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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. Sounds like the ending was on point. No? Musk sees the value of European regulatory methods. Trump wants to get paid. And then he whines.
  2. This is the closest live post I could find on bluesky. It's bonkers. Gonna have to wait for the recording to post. Can't vouch for the accuracy of the other post so I'll amend.
  3. this dude was president...I think about the people this would cause to have a heart attack. <EDIT: The accuracy of the following post is under review.>
  4. Is anyone listening/watching? Has the slurred speech continued? Any educated guesses what it is?
  5. Must be a fascinating listen. Two dumber-than-fuck egomaniacs.
  6. "It was disgruntled campaign employee Iran Childless cat women The Jews Black Journalists the Democrats." joint Drumpf/Mosk statement.
  7. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1849635/000119312523276045/d408563ds4a.htm <Shockingly it's a loophole you could drive an Incel Camino through. (If it happened to be drivable at the time.)>
  8. I didn't notice excess sodium but a good reminder that I should watch how many I eat. What's your go to? From a quick look it's a little less (1% rda) than WF360 and a little more than Planters. Also 1% more (granted, that's ~20% by volume) than the Peanut Shop of Williamsburg's "lightly salted" at about a quarter of the price.
  9. There's a thing about Truth Social stock. Oddly nobody who's invested in it cares if the company is the least bit profitable. Because it's propped up by supporters and foreign investors, it's worth $5 billion on almost no revenue and $16 million (last quarter) losses. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/trump-media-says-its-second-quarter-revenue-plunged-30-to-under-900000/
  10. https://www.popsci.com/science/spacex-mercury-water-pollution/
  11. She was really bombed, And I was really blown away, Until I asked her what she wanted, And this is what she had to say: A pearl necklace.
  12. We're in a forum about food and a thread about Costco. I'm not arguing, just pointing out an imbecile. I'm sure it's fascinating.
  13. I've read the following advice from more than one statistics or econ prof. It was also stated in the Vanderbilt study linked by Axios: "Readers should take the margin of error stated on the poll, double it, and see whether the difference between the two candidates is within the doubled margin of error. If it is, then it is hard to conclude which candidate is actually ahead in the race." One big reason is the incredible number of people who do not respond to polls. For example, in the NYT/Siena polls about MI, PA and WI just published the other day, to generate a response from ~1,800 voters, they had to call ~118,000 voters and make 237,000 total telephone calls. The Siena poll is noteworthy for posting their nonresponse rate. The huge number of "nonresponse voters" is not accounted for by the margin of error statistic.
  14. Nope. One of you is enough. Thanks though.
  15. Just a product tip, asswipe. Is that a problem?
  16. $8 for this huge can of huge, excellent peanuts, also available for shipping if you don't want to bother going to the store.
  17. update https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/08/12/7469993/
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