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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. Selective condemnation and appreciation for violence is a habit among the far right.
  2. "Some thought" isn't accurate. It was spun that way to make it seem like he deserved it, to heap scorn on the Speaker of the House, and other reasons.
  3. I don't understand how an agent or other leo wasn't on the highest roof top right next to the location of the shooter.
  4. I think many people are unaware of the imperfect protection offered by the Secret Service to actual living presidents as well as presidential candidates. Even as recently as the past 20 years. For example, in 2014, a man armed with a knife climbed the White House fence and was able to enter the main building. Same year, SS agents allowed an unknown man into an elevator with Pres. Obama. The man took a pic with his cell phone, so the SS finally wised up and that's when agents discovered he was also armed. There are many known incidents of SS agents on presidential protection getting drunk, whoring with prostitutes and other forbidden activities.
  5. I think just one nutter said that to a reporter.
  6. Huh. I'm old enough to remember this.
  7. Agreed...if something related to this isn't reported by a major news reporter and confirmed separately by another, don't believe anything you hear or read. The propagandists are already organized to blame "antifa" and randos who attended the rally today are predisposed to believing conspiracy theories IMO. Also: Endorsed.
  8. It didn't work out that way for racist bigot George Wallace. Or Gerald Ford.
  9. is mocking hypocrisy allowed?
  10. Portugal has a D7 visa program for retirees with a certain level of guaranteed income. For someone who plans to live there full-time it might make sense. There'd be tax considerations to analyze but it's a popular program. It offers residency, not citizenship, unlike the Golden Visa (aka Non-Habitual Residency program) but it's also with reach for a lot more people.
  11. about that - So yesterday Elon said he was going to sue Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) and hoped states would criminally prosecute GARM. *Last week*, in an effort to woo advertisers, ExTwitter announced it was "excited" to rejoin GARM. ‪ Mike Masnick‬ ‪@mmasnick.bsky.social https://www.techdirt.com/2024/07/12/elon-says-extwitter-will-sue-the-group-extwitter-excitedly-joined-just-last-week/
  12. Is criminally prosecuting advertisers who don't want to advertise on your social media platform free speech? It's all so confusing.
  13. Centerpoint's position is that they were unlucky this was just a Cat 1 because if it had been a Cat 4 or 5, nobody would be blaming them for all the outages and lack of preparedness.
  14. San Francisco is back https://sfstandard.com/2024/07/11/nudists-save-tourist-attack-castro/
  15. Driving 85, lost steering and power in a new CT. Q U A L I T Y. https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1e10qqh/lost_main_steering_at_85mph_less_than_2000_miles/
  16. Well, this sucks. "Germany does not support allowing Ukraine to attack more targets in Russia, despite pressure from Ukraine and allies like the Netherlands. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz believes such relaxations are unnecessary." https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/2043757668/live-duitsland-keert-zich-tegen-oekraiense-aanvallen-dieper-in-rusland
  17. I've heard good things about Lady Jane, which is new on Prime. Haven't watched it yet. Anyone? We've been watching Endeavour every now and then, also on Prime. Another period (1960s) UK detective show (Oxford). 9 seasons. Absolutely wonderful. Almost no gore, and so far the story in each episode is very richly layered and kinda sweet. Perfect for watching with the wife. There have been zero commercial interruptions.
  18. https://clearthis.page/?u=https://theeagle.com/sports/college/aggiesports/football/tamu-bjork-emails-stoops/article_8cc162d6-3f11-11ef-bafd-178fbed851a0.html
  19. jfc - ruzzians trying to kill the CEO of Rheinmetall https://cnn.it/46hhKxP
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