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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. Good luck Quinn. You handled yourself with dignity and I appreciate that. Hook'em.
  2. Pretty sure that pass was on Quinn (assuming we are talking about the same 4th down).
  3. I was at a function with Phil Simms a few years ago and he claimed (to my surprise) that Chris enjoyed his time at Texas.
  4. How is it possible for Penn State to have won 13games with this pathetic QB?
  5. Easy to say to go for it from my couch but i would have gone for it.
  6. Afraid this game is about to be over. TD here and then I predict a Penn State turnover.
  7. I have complete faith that Franklin will screw this up somehow.
  8. Iโ€™m not rooting for Penn State to win but Iโ€™m rooting for ND to lose.
  9. Fuck both of them but fuck ND more.
  10. How was that not a 15 yarder? Bullshit.
  11. I went by Terry Black's. Really love the layout. Line was long but it went very quickly. I still think Panther City is better but it was damn good but expensive.
  12. Damn. Georgia's offense looked terrible on that drive. Don't care who wins as long as ND loses.
  13. Not on the same level but Gardere to Johnny Walker in the Texas/OU game and Stafford to Jones at Arkansas are all time great plays.
  14. Did Texas run a true RPO after the first one to Golden? I canโ€™t remember one.
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