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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. Perfect play to end that weird ass game.
  2. I've met CDC and he really is very personable. No clue on his qualifications though.
  3. I wouldn't have called myself a cultist but while he was at Tech, I was a firm believer that he would crush it at a major school if given the chance (no offence to Tech). I've since changed my mind. His sideline persona has gotten quite old as well.
  4. https://youtu.be/OD81-vYUt2E One original Lite Beer commercials. RIP
  5. Tuned in just to see if the announcers were as bad as y’all said. They are. Carry on.
  6. In all honesty, I don’t think LJ has the same success anywhere else. The Baltimore staff is one of the best.
  7. Hard to believe Brian Williams might get processed out. I thought he was going to be a stud.
  8. Kelly likes a conservative offense. That approach worked at ND with all the low scoring prodding offenses he faced and the lack of fast defenses he played against. I was wondering if he would change that approach at LSU but it seems like he won’t.
  9. Damn, Gerry and especially Bobby look like they just rolled out of bed for that interview.
  10. I like Bobby and I’m just speculating but that list goes against the norm to say the least. Burke at #4? I like the take but that seems nuts.
  11. No shit. That list is crazy. Looks like he wants to make some very bold projections and if they hit, he’ll remind everyone about them. If he misses, nobody will ever remember he made the prediction.
  12. Yeah this ain’t right. Banks and Davis are plus recruiters and there are others.
  13. What's more important right now. Being closer to his kid for a year or two or making $100k/year?
  14. I like how they are assuming Jordan Addison is coming to Texas. Or maybe they know something and it's not an assumption......
  15. I agree and this worries me. Our fanbase doesn't have a lot of patience.
  16. If Sark really wants Marion, he could offer him a co-coordinating role with the promise of installing some of his Go Go Offense.
  17. Banks or Campbell would be much better as an OL playing FB. Both of them are very fast for their size. Williams isn’t fast at all.
  18. Did Elijah Robinson leave or rumored to leave A&M? Google doesn't show that he has left.
  19. Melvin Foster was such a badass. 85 Yates, 87 Plano and 88 Carter teams were all badass.
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