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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. Agreed. Some of the people I know are very high up alums and they are just tired of him. According to them nothing is ever good enough and the sideline antics have started to rub on them.
  2. Gary’s act had grown tired with many alums. He might be the best coach TCU has had in a while (or ever) but a change was needed for both .
  3. Someone is going to get killed. Dude was completely untouched.
  4. I wish we could replace him with a better player.
  5. Was part of the Burnt End deal life insurance? Asking for the Brewer family.
  6. Am I the only one screaming for Casey to run more?
  7. These are kids. No reason to get ugly like that.
  8. Funny you mention Nizza's. A friend of mine who used to frequent the place when back there last week and said it wasn't the same. Have you been recently?
  9. Yeah. My understanding is he can't transfer again without sitting out a year.
  10. The second OT should start at the 30, third at the 35 and so on. Eliminate the requirement to go for two at any time.
  11. Love me some Fred's. Going to miss the place.
  12. I ate there occasionally. I didn't mind it. I like to go there when I'm craving BBQ and I don't want to wait very long. I thought his sides were good.
  13. I've only been to Goldee's once and thought is was good but not great. They guys working there were super cool though. The one I really don't get is BBQ on the Brazos. I've been to the Cressen location and when they were on the circle. Each time I was disapointed. Agreed with the comments on Heim's. It just doesn't do it for me anymore. Panther City is the best in FW .
  14. I still haven't been to Hurtado, Brix or Zavala's. I got some work to do.
  15. Goldee's BBQ placed #1 in Texas Monthly's yearly ranking. I liked it but Panther City is better to me.
  16. This is where I’m at. I am hopeful about the staff. Not anyone in particular. I think we will know if Sark is going to be successful based off of the OL. If he can get it turned around in two years, I think we will be alright.
  17. I’m not calling for a switch but Casey has looked like shit today. Similar to TCU.
  18. Hey, look on the bright side. That was a good tackle.
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