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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. How can we have a bad OL for going on 10 years? The fucking odds are that it would be good one damn year.
  2. F that shit. They claim they hate us so much fuck'm. We are doing them a favor by leaving the conference.
  3. ND’s schedule is just shittier than they are. They will once again make the playoffs and get obliterated.
  4. That's the kind of concrete data point I'm looking for. Zero Dark Thirty
  5. Didn’t Sanders get a holding call on his first play? Lol. Ask for a refund.
  6. And why didn’t OSU make them kick and go for the block?
  7. I know you are joking but this is why I don’t watch the preseason scrimmages. It’s a zero sum game.
  8. Hopefully it’s just a preseason thing. That was a horrible call.
  9. That video doesn't do Hernandez justice. He has missed stuff that is way worse than in that video.
  10. Body found in the river near Panther Island on Saturday. Not much info but it appears died from drowning .
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