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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. If we are going to dream, dream big. Antonio Pierce for LB coach.
  2. Bring in one more ace recruiter. I'm being greedy at this point.
  3. They couldn’t wait 15 minutes until it’s Tuesday?
  4. It wasn’t just the decision to go for it but the play call. Gutsy call to put the game in the hands of your backup QB plus not call a time out when everyone thought you were going to.
  5. Reminds me of a certain team that didn’t go for two in the cotton bowl recently.
  6. To run that play with your backup QB is incredible.
  7. Some actual news! Or at least a nice rumor.
  8. Greathouse is damn good. Wouldn’t mind seeing him in burnt orange.
  9. Agreed. I’ve seen 5-6 SLC games and Ewers is a stud. SLC is just outmatched tonight.
  10. We are late to the game on both and probably won’t get either. But that’s okay. We have decent depth for next year and will load up in ‘22.
  11. They are both very good. Ewers is just elite.
  12. Pruitt is a great DC but his possible compliance issues complicate the matter quite a bit.
  13. I’ve read that Ash is going to Jacksonville as the DB coach. Not the DC. Maybe that’s changed.
  14. I’ve already started drinking in celebration of the Lanning hire. Not sure how to proceed
  15. I’d like to see Carrington stay. Not sure why you would get rid of him considering you can have as many support staff as you want.
  16. Not a fan of the beer but a few of my friends who are East Coast transplants love it.
  17. Good luck to him. Sounds like he did a good job while he was here.
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