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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. We probably put our last full court press on Meyer.
  2. Not sure he is completely safe but I’d think Boulware could stay on.
  3. This is kind of where I’m at. I think the odds of Herman keeping his job are growing every day.
  4. Why does it eliminate Kelly? Pretty sure he knew the result of this game a long time ago
  5. I spent a week there playing golf one year. I’ve played that one too.
  6. Wolf Creek? If so, love that course.
  7. That was such a great throw.
  8. Yeah, me either. If he didn't play at ND nobody would give a shit.
  9. Yeah. I agree. "IT" could just mean Herman is being fired.
  10. Or that’s what they want you to think...
  11. I'd like to believe you but the stories about Meyer to the NFL and UT's alternate candidates lead me to believe it definitely hasn't happened and probably won't. With all do respect or course.
  12. Are you sure it wasn't Meyer? Where better to get career advice than Surly?
  13. I definitely think they cover. 20 points is a crazy spread.
  14. It’s not public because ND is private but I’ve heard $6 million per year.
  15. You can’t honestly say you’ve been drinking all day if you don’t start in the morning.
  16. There’s something else in that picture I’d tear up.
  17. Kellen Moore to Boise State is gaining a lot of traction.
  18. Can you expand on why you are so confident he would hire a great staff? Is it because he is coming in as an assistant unlike Strong and Herman?
  19. He wouldn’t. No way they’ve told Herman he is being fired. He may know it is happening but that’s a lot different than being told it’s happening. Besides, why would they risk letting him know? He could try to screw things up like Brown did.
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