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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. We know what we have in Herman and it is not what I think we should consider our standard.
  2. What kind of job won’t let you post on Surly?
  3. Belmont wouldn’t use this type of story for a mole hunt. It’s too damaging to their image.
  4. I met Suzy Kolber in a bar once. She was in Dallas for a game and was with OJ of all people plus a bunch of their crew. Obviously this was a long time ago but she was very short but hot as hell.
  5. I’m not sure why you are giving so much credit to Broaddus reporting about the staff. He is a pro guy.
  6. With all due respect, go fuck yourself. You can’t get mad because I said with all due respect. 😀
  7. I wish I had the bbq skills some of you have shown on this thread. Then again I’d probably weigh 300 pounds.
  8. I agree. Not sure what else he could have done. I’ll wait to pass judgement after Herman’s replacement is named.
  9. If Ketch is saying it isn’t done, it’s probably done.
  10. He was caught on horn fans I believe when somebody took a picture of him at his desk
  11. That’s some pretty harsh words for CDC. The fact that he has all of the leaks from Belmont plugged gets high praise from me.
  12. You are going to shoot your eye out!
  13. No but don’t blame me. I just can’t accept that the perfect scenario will work out. It’s never worked out during my lifetime.
  14. Then Monday. There is no reason to prolong it if he is going to be fired. Not one good reason
  15. Herman had his chance this year. He is no longer in control of his own destiny.
  16. He was referring to the hosts as “our”.
  17. With the new early signing period, I really hope not.
  18. Both Strong and Herman never developed a dominant OL. It was their biggest problem.
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