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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. Sam is doing a better job today of not only throwing to the backs out of the backfield but leading them properly so they can catch the ball in stride.
  2. Special Teams have played a lot better since the first part of the season. Maybe Boulware stays
  3. That was targeting he just missed his target and hit his own teammate.
  4. He’s right about making a decision sooner rather than later.
  5. The 1991 Cotton Bowl was over on the opening kickoff when Miami damn near killed Chris Samuels
  6. I will never understand the love for Joe T Garcia’s.
  7. Chuy’s might not be Tier 1 but I love me some boom boom sauce.
  8. Interesting that person really doesn’t want Fickle.
  9. My first thought too even though the last part could be encouraging.
  10. Agreed. It was much better when they were working out of the food truck
  11. The Coopers in Fort Worth is not good. Never been to the original one.
  12. Good. Which side of the fence are you on? Is Meyer going to Texas or not?
  13. He may have turned the offer down at one point but he also may have reconsidered which some are speculating.
  14. Not surprising. I know several people that listen to the Ticket daily and they think all of them are geniuses. That has probably gone to his head over the years.
  15. I haven't listened in years. Corby is a P.O.S.
  16. I hope so because if it is from UT it wouldn't be good news releasing backup names for Meyer.
  17. He not have made a decision yet but I believe the negotiating is done.
  18. No clue who squid guy is but I hope he is right.
  19. OSU “insider” says he turned Texas down
  20. Why would Knight be doing that? Because Texas is under contract with Nike?
  21. Wow. I can't believe that made msn.
  22. She obviously wouldn't be shuffling thru a drawer at a hotel and find a gift card. This shit is making everyone crazy.
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