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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. Shit. That might happen at the spring game first.
  2. The only story Ketch could ever truly break would be a menu change at Wendy’s.
  3. Is this a guess by you or has that been posted somewhere?
  4. It’s a game changer. Hard to speculate on specific players but Texas will be in on every top recruit in the state for the next several years. We won’t get them all but we won’t get the cold shoulder from probably any of them.
  5. Hope and speculation.....the surly way.
  6. Fuck that. I want the other fan bases to feel the pain and that can’t start until Herman is fired.
  7. One thing at a time here. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves shooting for the moon.
  8. I won’t believe it until until I see him in a burnt orange tie getting pissed off at a question by Fuck You Chip Brown.
  9. You are looking at this from the wrong point of view. If it happens, it will be a continuance of 2020 for everyone else.
  10. Not food related but the City bought the Pier 1 building and will be turning it into the new City Hall.
  11. Jesus will come back but I doubt it would be to coach at Texas.
  12. It would be funny if that was a NCAA violation and they just announced it to the world.
  13. Some of you fuckers are just sadistic.
  14. He's been mentioned for several years now as a "hot coach". Not sure he moves the needle for me.
  15. After the Saban fiasco and the last two coaches, can you blame us?
  16. I still think Herman is gone but I'm starting to feel a lot less confident about it.
  17. That may be technically true because I'm sure Herman will need to be let go first before any formal offer can be made.
  18. But how long have you been following them.......
  19. The end of the week? F that. I need to know by lunch time.
  20. Have there been rumors of him being dissatisfied?
  21. Gerry Hamilton had a positive remark on the situation. But I get your skepticism.
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