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Posts posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. 22 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    If the guy is the DL coach at Wake Forest or Indiana or some shit what is even the point of keeping it so secret ? If the school is going to be unwilling or unable to match comp it’s strange for this to need to be kept such a secret. Not that it even matters. 

    Just guessing but If they name the coach Carrington may have to stop recruiting.  I wouldn’t want that with only a few days to go. 

  2. 1 hour ago, TornACL said:

    Does the BoomerJacks in Mont Plaza have hot chicks? I haven't been in there in years. Last time I was there the chick bartenders were nice, but were basically roothogs. 

    Not really.  A couple of nice bartenders but generally speaking the floor staff isn’t much to write home about. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Texaspython said:

    The family is good to local charities.


    They don’t have chicken enchiladas unless you’ve asked that they put fajita meat in the enchiladas. Is that a thing? Been going there 40 years and never seen such a thing.


    One thing I have done is have them put an enchilada on top of the fajitas. That was awesome. Even better, had them put an egg on top of the enchilada on top of the fajitas. That was incredible.


    I find most people who dislike Joe T’s are people expecting chili con carne enchiladas. That ain’t their deal.

    Sorry .  I meant cheese enchiladas.  Not chicken.  

  4. I’ve have been to an event there where I couldn’t tell the difference between the chicken or beef fajitas.  Seriously. 

    I don’t mind the chicken enchiladas but they aren’t something I ever crave. 

    To each his own though.  The family does a lot of charity work so I hope they continue to succeed. 

  5. 4 hours ago, ss13 said:

    This news sucks for Castellanos. 



    Could be trying to put pressure on Boras to lower his asking price.  

    I’m hoping for Castellanos  at 1B and a trade for a JBJ in center.  Wouldn’t be a great lineup but it would be a significant upgrade. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Stampeder said:

    The interesting piece is why didn't TH simply elevate him to OC?  THs choice or Fedora just wanted nothing to do with us after this year.

    I would think the consensus is Yurcich > Fedora.   

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  7. 6 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:

    Boulware seems like a great hire. This is the type of staff Herman should have assembled from the get go.  

    Still unsure of Ash and the CB coach, but we'll see.  

    After seeing how Stong and Herman hired their first staffs, I kind of understand why Baylor told Fuentes he could only bring three coaches with him.  

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