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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. This feels like one of those things where everyone involved will look back in a few years are regret the move.
  2. Thanks for the responses even if I didn’t really understand them. 😀
  3. What do know about Roche’s fully automated cobas 6800 and cobas 8800 Systems? It is claimed the turn around time is 3.5 hours. I wouldn’t call it a game changer because there are apparently only 100 of them in the US.
  4. Good. Yesterday I saw a video of them licking a wall to show it was safe. It’s good to see they are now grasping the importance of the situation.
  5. Roche Coronavirus Test FDA issues emergency authorization for their test which gives a result in 3.5 hours.
  6. We were just debating that very issue. Apparently there is software that can be used to monitor online test takers which might help alleviate the cheating issue.
  7. Yes it is. Had it last week. Going to miss that location.
  8. I’ve gone from happy to upset after refinancing at 3.125 on a 15 year fixed a month ago. Looks like I was just a little early. Still a great rate.
  9. Both Frazier and Cheers are greatness. Cliff Clavin on Jeopardy is one of the funniest tv episodes of all time .
  10. Bowman reminds me a lot of Nate Vasher. He is special.
  11. Yeah, sucks he didn’t choose Texas but Baylor has to really feel bad since he had two official visits there. Then again, that did double his exposure to Waco.
  12. Just guessing but If they name the coach Carrington may have to stop recruiting. I wouldn’t want that with only a few days to go.
  13. Not really. A couple of nice bartenders but generally speaking the floor staff isn’t much to write home about.
  14. Sorry . I meant cheese enchiladas. Not chicken.
  15. I’ve have been to an event there where I couldn’t tell the difference between the chicken or beef fajitas. Seriously. I don’t mind the chicken enchiladas but they aren’t something I ever crave. To each his own though. The family does a lot of charity work so I hope they continue to succeed.
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