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Posts posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. 1 minute ago, JOSEYWALES66 said:
    2 minutes ago, UTEX_ME said:

    Only an idiot would be money whipped here. Smart coordinators/coaches use Texas to get raises on their current contracts. 

    Sorry double post.

    Already happened at Texas with Gilbert and Strong.  Took a two year deal and the staff was fired after one.  

  2. Just now, Walden Ponderer said:

    We don't know who is on the way out, we just know Huff and BC are going out as recruiters, which can only be done by "field coaches". So two field coaches are out as of tomorrow morning at the latest.

    Gotcha.  Thanks 

  3. Just now, OU Sucks said:

    Which is mind bottling why we didn't play our corners up all game long.  Sucky QB, and we allow him to throw easy pitch and catches, followed by us missing a bunch of tackles.  I don't remember our D getting burned once when we played up, so what was Orlan_o so scared of?

    It happened just not for a huge gain.  

    we never roll anyone over to cover the hot route created by a blitzer.  Very frustrating. 

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