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Posts posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. 4 minutes ago, HOOKEM4 said:

    Easy. Cop finds her right after her affair ends, takes her home, uses the belt to control her while he holds her head underwater. Drops her body a day later with all evidence still intact.

    Just look at what interdependent ME's have to say about the original ME's findings. I just dont buy it and the fact that some very key evidence was just ignored? Why not leave no stone unturned? 


    You and I have a different definition of easy.  

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, txhorns said:

    It seems like Reed's side wants to test the DNA on the belt because they know it is highly likely that the boyfriend's DNA is on it.  To them that would put enough reasonable doubt in the case.  That seems stupid though.  Common logic says that the boyfriends DNA is on the belt because they lived together and were dating.  My DNA is on everything my wife has.  Any couple who lives together is the same way.

    I think they are hoping for some random persons DNA on the belt.  The belt could have been touched by some random policeman or attorney that the police won’t know about and therefore excluded.  

  3. 49 minutes ago, futureman said:

    gordon and junes on 1310 campaigning for reed’s release on the ticket right now during muse in the news. not shocked by anything from junes but I really would have expected gordon to do some research beyond tweets from kim kardashian. 

    Glad I don’t listen to the ticket.  This would have made me ragey.  

  4. 16 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    (1) DNA consistent with Reed’s DNA has been found from semen inside Stacey Stites, with in tact sperm cells found independently by Dr. Bayardo and Karen Blakely.

    (2) DNA consistent with Reed’s was found in saliva on Stacey’s breast.

    (3) DNA consistent with Reed’s was found in Stacey’s panties, which showed little movement after deposit of semen.

    (4) DNA consistent with Reed’s was found in 2014 on the pants that were on Stacey’s body and the back brace in her truck, coincidentally linking him to both Stacey’s body and the truck.

    (5) Stacey was found wearing her work pants, socks and tennis shoes, with her work shirt in the truck and the white tee-shirt she wore under it found near her body, all of which is consistent with Stacey leaving her apartment at 3:00 a.m. to go to work and report at H.E.B. at 3:30 a.m.

    (6) No credible, reliable witnesses reported any knowledge of a relationship between Reed and Stacey during the original investigation in 1996.

    (7) Reed initially denied knowing Stacey, then claimed a relationship when he learned about the DNA evidence.

    (8) The truck was found in the high school parking lot, less than a mile from where Reed lived.

    (9) The seat of the truck was pushed all the way back, which would have been impossible for either Fennell, or Stacey to have operated the truck.

    (10) Reed has failed to produce any evidence to show how Fennell could have gotten from Bastrop back to Giddings, a distance of about 35 miles, on the morning of April 23, 1996.

    (11) Stacey disappeared from the same area/route as the one Linda S. traveled when Reed attempted to abduct her.

    (12) Reed has been linked by DNA consistent with his to the 1989 rape of Angela H.

    (13) Reed has been linked by DNA consistent with his 1995 rape of Vivian H., which occurred in the same area, six months before Stacey’s murder.

    None of this can be true.  I didn’t know anything about this case so I spent some time researching it last night and reddit and Oprah are saying he was railroaded by a small Texas town.  

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  5. 3 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    Taggart cleaned up on that one... he wasn't going to turn around that heap anytime soon. Might as well take a long vacation and go consult with Saban or something.

    I doubt he would take an assistant position but I’d live to see him on the Texas staff.  He has the reputation as a good recruiter. 

  6. Just now, Onboard 2.0 said:

    And that was not pass interference in the end zone, that's called feet getting tangled.

    It is in South Bend when it favors the home team.

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