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Posts posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. 8 minutes ago, Rockwell Torrey said:

    Mack:  Hey Tim, this is Mack....

    Tim: Yes, absolutely yes.

    Mack: Well, Tim I didn't ask anyth...

    Tim:  Coach, I just got in my car and I am driving to Chapel Hill

    You have it backward.  Tim called Mack. 



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  2. 8 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    that's why he said someone from the league from the same year and additionally because he's a pussy.  whatever, Beaty got fired.  like I said he can call Klff and my guess is he will.  the problem is no self scouting can fix that shitshow of a defense.

    Well I missed the part about being from the league but he is still a pussy.



  3. Just now, NowThis said:

    seeing the crap all ove rthe nation , i think UT makes the playoffs next year

    This is a good point.  I watch Texas play and I think we are several years away from playing in the playoffs.  I watch this shit show and it makes me think we are not that far off. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Yeah, we and the Big 12 aren't passing up a New Year's 6 bowl. 

    That is a point I didn’t consider.  If it is for a New Year’s 6 bowl, we would play anybody. 

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