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Chips O'Toole

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Same. But the bullet and let my wife get a new car a year early. She's a badass and deserves it.
  2. I actually looked this up, and to my astonishment, the production cost is in the ~100MM range, but it seems to be Mr Beast's investment. I don't know how that's possible, but it is a fascinatingly stupid experiment.
  3. ATK says to sprinkle a little water in the beans, but I have never tried it. It's one of the main issues with the plastic Capresso machines. https://www.americastestkitchen.com/articles/8302-how-to-reduce-coffee-grinder-static
  4. The very idea of Musk getting involved with a sports organization and not completely obliterating everything enjoyable about it within a year is positively laughable.
  5. Just started season 2. Holy shit, episode 1 was the most boring hour of TV I've seen in a while and I couldn't see shit because it was so dark. I'm assuming it gets better but goddamn, what the fuck was that.
  6. Watched several episodes of this over the holidays and enjoyed them a lot. It's harder than I expected, I'm shit at pop music which makes sense as I'm an old lame dad now. Jost is funny, I like that guy.
  7. I find it fucking insane that we have two DTs left on the entire roster that were recruited by Bo Davis, who left the program not even one year ago. How does that fucking happen?
  8. Maybe the ugliest recruiting edit I've seen in a while. Hayes continues to elevate his work.
  9. Wow, he was the one receiver that looked dynamic for them. Seems bad.
  10. I am a Phil Collins fan. I was just remembering that the guy shit talking Collins has a history of dumb music takes.
  11. I mean, the same guy invalidated all future opinions when he shat on Pet Sounds years ago. I thought everyone was on the same page that he is a know-nothing shit take factory.
  12. That's probably a good place to end the Internet right there. It had a good run. Jesus floppy Labia fucking Christ.
  13. Musk absolutely got TFG reelected, and this was the cost. It's going to be hideous, and I doubt Trump has an out that doesn't include Musk going scorched earth on him with receipts from the last 6 months. We may all be fucked for decades, or there may be enough infighting to run the clock out on some of their schemes. Can't do shit but watch.
  14. Third Coast has been my go-to for a while now in South Austin. But they aren't open on the weekends which is unfortunate. El Guapo for espresso, Special Snowflake for drip, Kerbey Lane blend to send family members for Xmas gifts. Throw in a bar of Srsly Chocolate for a local treat.
  15. Kate is 41 now, so she was around 37 when she hung it up. It does seem like most of these weirdos are under 35, but maybe that's just the casting choice Bravo makes for maximum crew instability.
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