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Chips O'Toole

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chips O'Toole

  1. It sucks that we may not make the playoff even with a dominant win this week. If only we had beaten Okrahoma.
  2. This is pretty crazy even for them, but it sounds like they may be trying to assemble a coaching staff around a single recruiting class that was rife with character risks and future transfers and inflated by mercenaries at a couple of positions. They now view their team as "plug and coach" even after seeing the roster fall apart over two straight seasons with gaping holes across both sides of the ball. "Hey, that Ryan Day guy took over a tosu roster with a similar talent level, probably, and didn't miss a beat, we should see about getting him to do the same thing here for a little more money!"...checks salary..."or for the same money! Or less money but with some sweeeet incentives!"
  3. This thread is the MVP. Take your lap, imma.
  4. We watched this over the weekend. They next level fucked some peoples' lives up. I'm so confused when I see this shit. That dude doesn't seem charismatic at all, just a total fucking dick headed douche. How does he get these people to follow so blindly and make such horrible life-changing decisions?
  5. Kyle having a panic attack on the floor and blaming it on Natalya's volatile relationship with someone not even on the boat is peak attention queen. That shit was hilarious.
  6. That trophy case pic needs to be updated with a plaque for "Greatest ever recruiting class - 2022" right next to "World's Highest Ever Head Coach Buyout Amount - 2023".
  7. Knee. God fucking shit fuck.
  8. Holy shit, the back of that thing is a deadringer for my dishwasher.
  9. It feels like Lima was the only one who could cross worth a shit with Zan out. A big chunk of our goals this year came off of his crosses. He made mistakes on the backend at times but so did everyone. Not a big loss if we can figure out our attack.
  10. I guess the ball wasn't underthrown enough to call a PI on that one.
  11. A decommitment from a future GA? This could be the biggest rollercoaster drop we've seen since...last year's rollercoaster.
  12. I think he means they are fortunate that he's still upright. That dude is far from "healthy" after the last two weeks. He was limping around and holding his forearm up close to his body like he had a right shoulder issue. There's no way he can take that many hits and not be degrading week to week.
  13. Unfortunately, Kyle is Bravo's anointed brand of toxic. It's like they melted down a whole Real Housewives cast and injected them into his ass.
  14. Natalya is being a petulant bitch, but the way Tumi rolled in criticizing everything and not setting up the chef to succeed at all really rubbed me the wrong way. She will be the type who is never wrong and can't receive any criticism. This season is going to be brutal with the stews infighting through every charter. Not Jessica tho, she's just there for the vibes obviously.
  15. I audibly gasped when I saw that play live. I thought Max had just been swallowed into a hole in the Earth's crust.
  16. It was a pointless block but when the two guys are running side by side in the same direction, is that what we're going to call a "blindside block"?
  17. He's injured or has mono or something, he's moving like Reed Boyd out there.
  18. But apparently Jimbo is a marketing wizard that can turn a single game against a mediocre team into the investment opportunity of a lifetime!
  19. Or they saw the Brian Kelly 360 shot and thought they would be doing a favor to all of mankind.
  20. That could work. I'd love to see a Lije and R Daneel buddy detective thing.
  21. That lineup looked like something I would roll out in the second half of my kids U10 game. I know we have injuries and a sub-par roster build at this point, but that is the look of a team that doesn't give a fuck. Exactly what did we get out of trading Diego for Memo? From what I have seen so far, Memo does a lot of the things Diego did for us just not as well and is less productive and doesn't even start. What the fuck?
  22. I don't remember ever seeing a team act so stoked to be getting destroyed. Super weird how much shit talking and jumping around they were doing while scoring zero TDs and getting flattened in every aspect of the game other than kick catching.
  23. Just realized I'm several minutes behind.
  24. Reminds me of the '01 big 12 championship game where some simple misdirection on the run game makes an elite defense look like the scout team.
  25. Trying to remember a Cowboy player in my lifetime as dominant as Parsons right now. Larry Allen maybe?
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