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Chips O'Toole

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chips O'Toole

  1. That was cool.
  2. Veronica showing no signs of feeling the shock and then saying that she used to shock herself for fun as a kid...explains a lot actually.
  3. Ok, so now I have something to root for in the Copa. 3 losses and a -9 or worse goal differential. That would get him fired, I assume? I didn't think we could possibly be that bad, but I see a glimmer of hope.
  4. I'm interested in getting something for my son to play with. He'll play Minecraft and such but isn't a heavy gamer. I want him to be able to practice coding and explore a bit outside of just a tablet or chromebook. I could go for a raspberry pi, but these are not that much more and seem like it would be able to do a lot more. Without getting too deep in the weeds researching this, I though this system was a good starting point and he would be able to use it for a while as a secondary machine even if he outgrows it in a few years: https://www.amazon.com/Beelink-S12-Pro-Generation-Intel/dp/B0BW8JSQCH#customerReviews Thoughts?
  5. I was not expecting to win this game against one of the best teams with a single old ass DP, but I would have enjoyed somebody showing up to advance the ball past midfield without launching it straight to their defense and maybe even like, one or two shots on goal. But zero points is zero points.
  6. Anybody else have an addiction to Trump comeuppance and MAGA tears? I'm approaching LonghornLawyeresque levels of brain chemical dependence to any negative news about these ridiculous dipfucks.
  7. Alright, I'm in need of some educational materials for the summer. 9 and 5 year old are at home with me 2-3 days a week l, and they are constantly angling for screen time. What apps or shows can they consume while I try and get shit done and still feel ok about their mental state? I am also thinking about getting some type of kit with educational materials for them to work through to earn some app time, but I haven't researched that yet. We will have a part-time nanny/helper starting next week, so I'm also trying to think of hands-on activities for them to do with some oversight. Would love to know what works for you parents with young kids at home.
  8. Of course that sequence ended up in a fucking golazo 30 yard free kick.
  9. Pereira's passing is dogshit tonight.
  10. Well shit.
  11. That was really slick from Driussi dribbling straight into 3 dudes and winning a pen.
  12. That was fucking nuts, wide open goal, 2 shots, 1 post and 1 crossbar. The Wolff at RB adjustment has not gone well.
  13. It seemed like we were unable to defend the sidelines in the middle third. Especially on the Obrian/Jimenez side which makes sense but where are our mids?
  14. Big goal there by Hines Ike to level it right at halftime.
  15. Kip Kelleresque give away by Hines Ike. We need at least one major fuckup early in every game. Wtf is SJ's formation just cryptonite for our backline? We can't defend them for shit again.
  16. So Jimenez had no idea that dude was behind him, as he could have easily cleared that cross out for a corner but let it bounce right past him into the path of Ebobisse. Frustratingly familiar start against these guys.
  17. I like Kristen, I don't think there is much of a dropoff from Padme. But...This is the worst season they have done and it's not particularly close. I'm usually pretty entertained even when they have a down year, but I am finding it hard to enjoy this shit show.
  18. Just show Gail's gals jiggling around and please never do another boiled white fish challenge again. That was mystifyingly lame and none of that food looked interesting or tasty.
  19. Holy shit, that was one of the best shots I've seen in any MLS game. Just a beautiful strike.
  20. That header from Driussi practically painted the upper 90. 3-1. Zardes with some effective play down the sideline setting up a goal for the second game in a row? That would be a nice development if it continues.
  21. KC keeper with an errant pass right to Danny who passes off to Obrian for the score, 1-1!
  22. Came off Hines Ike's leg. I wondered how Stuver got beat near post.
  23. Obrian offsides on VAR. Fuck that was beautiful how Pereira demolished the high press.
  24. Boooom 1-0, Pereira puts one home after a terrific build up.
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