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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smuggs

  1. You still haven’t added guitar to my Stranglehold drums. Enough with the Beatles and get to the Nuge, damn you. This is an insanely awesome journey, by the way. Nice work.
  2. I saw them open for NKOTB in 89 and they were fantastic. Shame on you.
  3. I've used this detent on more occasions than I'd like to admit.
  4. Spot on for me too. I ran a Spartan run about 10 years ago. It was a good time. One of the cooler challenges was the very first - you had to find your runner’s number on a big grid table they had strung up. Your runner’s number corresponded to a random 6-digit code on the table somewhere. You had to memorize this 6-digit code throughout the entire run. Towards the end of the race one of the final obstacles was you had to correctly recite your code to an official, but right when you got up to the guy he told you to recite it backwards. If you got it wrong it was 30 burpees. The group of us spent the whole ~12 mile course quizzing each other at random times to recite our codes. and pro tip - get some legit mud run shoes. With tread that will clear mud. If you go in there with regular Brooks or some shit they will pack with mud and become heavy, slick and useless.
  5. I can't imagine being in a contractual business partnership with a grown-ass adult who longcat texts me to proclaim that they are the "Khaleesi", as some type of threat. Lol, high school indeed.
  6. They do all this tracking shit with a soccer ball that is 9" in diameter and 28" around. Not to mention it gets kicked around about a million times in a single match. The technology is easy to implement, but the NFL doesn't want to pay for it if they absolutely don't have to.
  7. Yeah I bought a set of cheap nylon ones on Amazon. They've come in very handy over the years.
  8. This vid is to replace the head unit but the steps would be the same to access the air vents it appears:
  9. Along with ball/line tech, surely they've got some kind of imaging tech that can penetrate a pile of bodies to help identify when a runner is down. All of this can free-up the officials to focus on what they do best: botching holding and pass interference calls.
  10. The Jardiance supermarket variant has got to be the worst yet. Recorded at earsplitting volume. "Hey Mom - do you think you can eat these Ritz Crackers with your taint infection and all?"
  11. Years ago I had a Sony MP3 player with the regular flat-faced corded earbuds. They did the job at the gym but were never loud enough to fully mask the sounds of clanking weights, treadmills, people talking, etc... After 20-30 minutes of processing this auditory stew, my brain would be lulled into thinking that the cacophony in my ears was what everyone in the room could hear. So one day near the Lat pulldown machines I farted, loudly, thinking no one would hear it over all the noise. I then looked over to see an attractive and horrified young lady hustle away from the scene. I hope this helps.
  12. I don’t know why they call it “Hamburger Helper”, it does just fine by itself. I like it better than Tuna Helper, myself.
  13. I also managed to consistently earmark a few shillings to maintain my Street Fighter mastery at Le Fun.
  14. I liked their migas enchiladas. Stuffed avocado was tasty as well. Plenty of post-game boozing shenanigans at Northstar and Highland Lanes after company softball at the Havins back in the day. RIP.
  15. I let the bacon roll a few shades beyond DoD flaccid hog noodle.
  16. In honor of my LA homies. Hook Em Horns.
  17. I mean, the first one was shot with a Canon XL-1. A digital camcorder available for regular consumer purchase in 2002.
  18. Apparently this movie was shot entirely on an Iphone 15 Pro Max. 75mm dollar budget: https://www.wired.com/story/28-years-later-danny-boyles-new-zombie-flick-was-shot-on-an-iphone-15/
  19. Definitely makes the "Albums with spastic dancing giants" list. Agreed Midnight Oil kicks ass, btw.
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