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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smuggs

  1. "Mrs. Preston, we'd like you to meet some of our friends. This is, uh, Dave Beethoven, and uh, Maxine of Ark, Herman The Kid, Bob Genghis Khan, So-Crates Johnson, Dennis Freud... and uh, uh... Abraham Lincoln."
  2. You get to see Deanna Troi's tits, albeit in a rape/murder scene.
  3. For fuck’s sake can they let Jimmy coach the 2nd half?
  4. I need to tally my gift cards when I get home, I might have enough for this.
  5. I framed houses with my uncle and 2 cousins from 94-96. As @MissingInAction said, it was a daily physical beatdown and the summers were pure insanity. Met some hilariously off-the-rails people and learned a lot of naughty Spanish words, though.
  6. Good Lake Charles restaurants (I live here): https://www.restaurantcalla.com/ https://www.thejames710.com/ https://www.facebook.com/thebekeryllc/ http://www.thewildtruffle.com/ https://www.area337.com/ https://www.cryingeagle.com/ https://thevillaharlequin.com/ https://bodegawinedive.co/ https://www.leonardsfoodquarters.com/ https://www.thepanoramamusichouse.com/ https://www.facebook.com/umamilakecharles/ https://www.facebook.com/proniasdeliandbakery/ https://www.llakecharles.com/dining/johnny-sanchez https://www.llakecharles.com/dining/ember-grille-and-wine-bar
  7. smuggs

    Surly wallet check

    DL primary credit debit/ATM company credit insurance card kroger card sams card
  8. The Wingstop commercial where the young couple is slo-mo enjoying chicken sandwiches while doing donuts in a vehicle, while a hip-hop artist is performing in some sort of Mos Eisley cantina language. Doe me oh-duh. Doe me oh-duh, doe me oh-duh.
  9. smuggs

    Surly wallet check

    My Apex currently holds 6 cards plus my driver's license. Only issue is that it doesn't leave a ton of room for bills as they have to be folded - 3 or 4 max.
  10. smuggs

    Surly wallet check

    Bellroy Apex slim. Magnetic close snaps shut - it's fantastic.
  11. Crazy. I can remember a few times when he called in over the last year Howard nagging him to get himself checked out (said that he had a lingering cold). RIP. Always loved John The Stutterer's intense hatred of Ralph.
  12. When made to listen to Tori Amos I think suicide is a decent alternative if the radio can't be turned off.
  13. Same here. What a fucking resume. RIP
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