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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smuggs

  1. From humble 2nd offense DWI beginnings in ATX... She's a first ballot APD Mugshot Thread Hall of Famer.
  2. If he starts next season 1-3 (really 2-9*) and still no defense in sight, I could see USC pulling the tarmac trigger. *plus this year's bowl result.
  3. Inspired this morning by @StrippersAndNobelPrizes's mention of the incredible Big Daddy Kane in the Michigan cheating fucks thread:
  4. I haven't followed the trial closely so my apologies for asking - did the prosecution say how Yogabitch got into the house? Did she break in or was the door unlocked?
  5. Lol sure. Motherfucker is going to be this guy on Splash Mountain next summer, guaranteed.
  6. Throw down an extra $20 for a Spyderco Para 3 Lightweight. Made in Colorado. The compression lock (reverse liner lock) is the tits.
  7. Hogue is doing a decent job. The Deka is priced below the Benchmade Bugout and it's a better knife in every aspect. They just need to expand their product line. Edit - I will confess that I recently accidentally ran over my Bugout with my Jeep and the motherfucker did not skip a beat. I have the CF Elite with the tougher scales and an added titanium backspacer.
  8. Do you have a Tagged Out? The size is slightly larger than my Bugout but it's still a featherweight which I like. They've got a new model with S45vn, G10 and a thumb stud. Fucking $270 though, Jesus H.
  9. Oh wow. His piss belly is putting up a hell of a fight, then. I hope his Dr. has the receipts ready. He/she's about to have a microscope up their ass.
  10. It's gotta be killing Santos that he can't get on the Ozempic train with all this attention right now.
  11. "Takes an implodin' and keeps on controllin'. "
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