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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smuggs

  1. Counterpoint - include it along with a photo of yourself in front of a tree.
  2. Roast beef Mashed Potatoes with the RB au jus Green Beans Fried Okra Jell-O, Green or Yellow Iced Tea
  3. Seriously. That's a 9/11 storm the cockpit moment for any person nearby that saw what happened.
  4. ‘83 Ullman would have gotten it. Paul McCartney sighting @ 2:34 -
  5. Not to mention one of those singles was a fucking #1 hit which wasn't titled "I Want You To Want Me".
  6. Yeah I should have also quoted @bad_teammate when he said "unnecessary post-production". If something were to come out of this like a banning of functioning firearms on movie sets, then the post-production part would become necessary. It seems like the cost benefit is currently in favor of the guy sitting at a Mac adding muzzle blasts anyway, vs. the daily on set presence of an armorer.
  7. @henrygandorf I need your input: is post-production really going to cost you anymore than paying an armorer's wages to provide their services on set everyday? I'm talking about adding muzzle blast effects to a handful of scenes in a shitty low budget western, not Andy Serkis cave dweller FX.
  8. You can use phony guns or Airsoft guns and create CGI gun blasts complete with muzzle flash, cycling actions and ejecting shell casings with Adobe After Effects. This dude has a tutorial where it took him roughly 20 minutes to create the gunfire below. He also offers his own software pack for $99 that includes a shit ton of stock gun fire effects that he already created, that are licensed and ready for use. I'm sure there are a million other similar software tools out there. This whole situation with "is this gun hot or cold?" is so fucking pointless and stupid. RIP to the woman who lost her life because of the dumbass shenanigans at every turn. https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/create-realistic-muzzle-flashes-in-after-effects/
  9. I also dig this one from Nu Shooz:
  10. I've seen the Masterbuilt gravity feeds, didn't know Chargriller had one. The firebox on this one looks like a better design than the Masterbuilt.
  11. Those guys are pretending to be bleak.
  12. Grout in that drain pipe. Guarantee that filthy rodent freak went back up to his nest inside your wall after gnawing on Junior. The evil has assumed control of his simple ignoramic mind. His next feast will consist of human skin tags.
  13. The article says he was arrested for it but doesn't elaborate on his sentence, only that he spent much of the time from age "13 to 30" in and out of jail. Probably spent time in juvie I guess?
  14. The video is glitchy as hell. There is a big blur on mom's shoulder right before the appearance of garden zombie. It's probably a video quality issue.
  15. That's going to cost you extra.
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