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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by smuggs

  1. I also dig this one from Nu Shooz:
  2. I've seen the Masterbuilt gravity feeds, didn't know Chargriller had one. The firebox on this one looks like a better design than the Masterbuilt.
  3. Those guys are pretending to be bleak.
  4. Grout in that drain pipe. Guarantee that filthy rodent freak went back up to his nest inside your wall after gnawing on Junior. The evil has assumed control of his simple ignoramic mind. His next feast will consist of human skin tags.
  5. The article says he was arrested for it but doesn't elaborate on his sentence, only that he spent much of the time from age "13 to 30" in and out of jail. Probably spent time in juvie I guess?
  6. The video is glitchy as hell. There is a big blur on mom's shoulder right before the appearance of garden zombie. It's probably a video quality issue.
  7. That's going to cost you extra.
  8. Indeed. Although his corruption at the hands of Sauron would have me looking over my shoulder.
  9. I agree with the wife, you need to shellac and preserve Satan's envoy. Use a matte finish so it doesn't shine him up too much.
  10. Roger Goodell is a well documented Richard Marx homer.
  11. I'm surprised that the "Burdog" is not already on the menu at Arby's.
  12. This is Benihana we're talking about. Everybody knows you don't bail before the banana tempura, it doesn't matter who's finger may or may not be up your ass.
  13. Non Squatched Badlands hard top Cactus Gray in my office parking lot last week. This is the second one I've seen around my office, 4th around town (Lake Charles):
  14. The best case scenario is that he stumbles into a nest of murder hornets after having been savagely castrated by a rabid skunk while bathing in a stagnant giardia-riddled piss pond.
  15. Seems like a big stretch that he would be driving around in a "newer" model F150 like the hiker witness said. That's going to take a huge favor from family/friends that I would imagine have all been scrutinized heavily by the authorities at this point. Not to mention all of the associated overnight stops and purchases required to operate a vehicle aimlessly around Great Smokey Mountains NP for weeks. Although this jackass was previously spotted by random witnesses slapping his fiancee around in Utah and possibly burying said fiancee in Wyoming, so who knows.
  16. That's a Great Pumpkin reenactment waiting to happen if I've ever seen one.
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