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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Hey! Big Jack! Don’t knock, just come! Edit- I thought that was from Innerspace.
  2. I miss hanging out with you, man. But this post made me miss you even more. As for spanky, reading this thread and his comments, had me thinking that, the dude is just a dyed in the wool troll, just like those in the past. But now, after reading what you just said, and checking tape, he really is just that stupid. His constant need to come back pushes me toward thinking narcissist/sociopath. I’m not correct on a metric fuckton of my thinking, but I have been dead to rights on that diagnosis, historically.
  3. Typical max of 54-56 games before postseason. So roughly 36-18.
  4. From the comments. This is fantastic.
  5. Obligatory: GO ARMY BEAT NAVY!
  6. Dude gets it. Most of us do. This cracked me up in the comments.
  7. God, that series. I remember Augie being interviewed at the CWS saying, “The best team I’ve seen this year isn’t even here in Omaha”.
  8. It’s the “Ole Piss” thing that’s just dumb. I’m an Ole Miss fan who’s also a diehard Texas fan. But come on, that’s bush. Oh well, no real dog in the fight at this point. That game had me worried all week, and rightfully so.
  9. I’m here to say that we suck. Nothing new. And Zeus had a good time on his first solo flight, starting a thread, finishing said thread, and filling it with complete shit. His hate for Ole Miss runs deep, it’s admirable. Back story?
  10. I thought he was double-finger blasting the Husker’s rectal chamber. I remember even the commentators being like, “whoa….that’s definitely (cough) deserving of a personal foul penalty”.
  11. I’m almost positive that this is a picture of a friend of mine. It snowed in Oxford, and almost 99.9% of professors canceled class. With the exception of our cunt Latin American Politics teacher. She also didn’t cancel on 9/11, just to date this pic.
  12. I actually get the reference now that you’ve explained it. And, I’m obviously slower than most, according to my where I went to school. ‘‘Twas a long day yesterday, and I might’ve had a beverage, or eight. Couple that with the fact that I’m still not convinced that we’re that good, and you get someone who tends to howl at the moon. Ole Piss is still a terrible nickname, mainly used by State and LSU fans.
  13. You started the thread, calling my alma mater Ole Piss. It’s a tired nickname, used by hayseeds and idiots. Then you called the quarterback a pussy. It wasn’t your fault Ole Miss won, soundly. But you threw a belt high fastball to someone with quick hands. There’s absolutely no way I’m not going to tee off on it.
  14. Ole Piss. You’re almost as adorable as how well your post aged.
  15. Who the fuck is Macklemore? He can’t get Frank Drebin’s dick out of his mouth long enough to take a breath.
  16. Close to the same at Tivy. We’d hop on the bus to Luby’s, and then get told what we were and weren’t allowed to order. At a fucking buffet! Facists.
  17. This^^^. Anyone who has engaged or responded needs to take a step back.
  18. All I’ve got. I pulled over on my way from my sister’s horse barn in Comfort and got lucky.
  19. My old man has said the same thing, almost verbatim. He also mentioned that I owed a ton of my existence to some extremely unassuming, but ballsy South Vietnamese Huey pilots.
  20. “We’re going to need some more FBI guys, I guess”.
  21. There’s a your mom joke out there somewhere. But I’m too tired and too upset to try for one.
  22. Somebody shoot me.
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