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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. I see Matt Foley every time I see a picture of Listeater. I always see either Francis, from Pee Wee's Big Adventure, or Chubby, from Teen Wolf (Same actor).
  2. What doesn’t back up 71?
  3. Fucking beat me to it.
  4. UGA smoked Oregon’s joint in one hit.
  5. Sounds like someone who's never had to run a race with a Siracha soaked Oreo in his ass cheeks, dropped it, ate it, and then polished off the night giving a lap dance to a varsity cheerleader.
  6. Like I said, I completely agree. Hopefully I didn’t lead anyone to think otherwise. My post was more a jab at the idiots in our own country getting shitty about the money we’re spending sending weaponry to Ukraine.
  7. So much this. The problem is that this is way of thinking is far too outside the box/looking to the future than the vast majority of the idiots in this country are willing to even attempt. Big words and such.
  8. The comments in that feed are absolute fucking gold.
  9. Username definitely checks out.
  10. Fuck Fredericksburg.
  11. Being doxxed as Greg Abbot?
  12. He was in a complete daze. You can see it clear as day. After watching a lot of different angles, I don’t feel like calling him a pussy is 100% warranted. But what the fuck do I know?
  13. Don’t tempt me with a good time. I haven’t seen Pato since Little Homesick was about 3 weeks old.
  14. 43 here (44 in 2 months) and same.
  15. Only thing that could’ve made it better would’ve been if Williams had started out the interview with: “What I’m about to tell you is classified. Could end my career.”
  16. Man it got methy here.
  17. I’m in Kerrville, at Discount Tire. The truck in front of mine’s rear windshield has the appropriate Salt Life sticker on the left, but on the right side is a picture of an AR-15 with “Pew Pew Specialist” underneath it. The driver of aforementioned assault vehicle goes about 5’5 225lbs.
  18. I will always live behind you.
  19. This. It’s right around the corner from me, and they’ve yet to fuck anything up. Damn good.
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