Since losing awesome dog part-II almost six months ago, all that’s left is this cat that Little Homesick made me buy him while I was going through my divorce. The fact that I paid actual American money, for this animal baffled me. The the shop owner, upon seeing the malnourished, terribly flea ridden, crusty black cat in the back of the cage (behind some of the prettiest kittens I’d ever seen) said, “if that’s the one your son wants, you can reach back there and get him yourself”. He didn’t even smirk when I asked him if I could get $5 off for doing his job for him. Since then, Beans (Little Homesick has a penchant for names that are awesome, and he was four at the time), has been one of the coolest animals I’ve ever had the honor of being acquainted with. Not only do full sized dogs pull their owners across the street upon setting foot on the sidewalk that borders Bean’s territory (as he sits on the rocking chair, cleaning his teeth), but I had the honor of receiving a letter from our USPS mail carrier letting me know that I could pick up my mail at the local post office. She was done seeing headless squirrels on my doorstep. Beans is a killer, dyed in the wool. But he’s also a lover, who has completely changed my opinion of cats. I’m sorry for your loss man.