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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Fuck this fucking game.
  2. I don’t know why, but I’m fucking crying right now. That one got me.
  3. Kill Bin Laden, by Dalton Fury (obviously a pen name). Author just recently passed away.
  4. When I went overseas in undergrad, I lived with two other Americans. One from UCSB, and one from College of Charleston. I’m still close to them to this day, and still have my Gauchos Baseball, and Chucktown tee shirts.
  5. This^^^. One thing Ole Miss taught me was how to trust myself, and my decision making. I was relatively proud of myself (being as young and naive as I was), that I wasn’t swayed in one direction or the other. I actually considered myself as more of a third party observer throughout college. A spy of sorts. The school itself has made an enormous effort to de-stigmatize itself from the reputation it has deservedly earned. But idiots are going to idiot, racists are gonna racist, etc. Staying above that bullshit is what it’s all about.
  6. I could’ve warned you not to check their politics board. It’s arguably one of the most cringeworthy message boards on the interwebs.
  7. Absolutely a fair punch after being slapped early on. And the Scottish couple getting destroyed for ransacking the corner store was gorgeous.
  8. From the comments: “His accomplices Blast Hardcheese, Punch Rockgroin, and Big McLargeHuge could not be reached for comment.”
  9. As soon as I clicked the link, I had a confuse. I’m just glad that my crazy pills are still doing their job.
  10. Including to known pornographers……and that’s cool, man.
  11. I want to mention names, but I can’t. I personally know two dads who pulled their sons (pitchers) from playing high school ball their senior seasons, due to the boys’ select coaches and pitching “instructors” telling them to do so. I hope that you’re right, and that this is a rarity. But again, it just makes me shake my head.
  12. Wow. Read the entire thread, dipshit. Because if you had, you’d see that not only was this thread started before this was news, but that even some were burned, and rebuilt. Lessons learned, hell, the whole shabang. Your dumbass popped into the elevator, farted on everyone behind you, and immediately got off on the next floor, smirking. Fuck you.
  13. You fucking knew what I meant!
  14. But legends never die.
  15. So much this. Starting at age 15, my teammates and I were on the tip of the spear when it came to travel (select) baseball. For us, it was the opportunity to play during the summer in a more competitive environment than standard little league provided. The idea, at first, was to get more games in after high school broke for summer. It was also extremely fun. It’s also when I began to notice the dawn of the current baseball dad. I’ve since watched this culture evolve into an experiment that went wrong. The whole point of select ball was to get better, so your high school team could potentially compete for a state birth. Also, selfishly, to gain exposure to some coaches at the next level. Now, some of these dads don’t even let their sons play on the high school team for a myriad of reasons; They don’t like the coach They don’t think the level of competition is adequate They’re paying private fucking select coaches, and hitting/pitching instructors so much money, that the dudes are literally becoming scouts At that age, the game should be fun. I have to look extremely hard to see that in the kids’ eyes nowadays. And it’s extremely sad.
  16. I actually do apologize for calling you a fatass. I guess I get sick of being associated with the nitwits that unfortunately, most baseball players have become, and are quickly becoming. The “getting pussy joke” was definitely a joke, but my first post kinda smothered it. Chalk it up to a shitty day, mood, etc. But I take back what I said.
  17. I never came in hot, or played the victim. I made a tongue in cheek joke about getting laid, and you can’t let it go. I’m the victim? Keep your rant going though, you’re crushing it.
  18. Fucking beat me to it. Verbatim.
  19. What really sucked, was that some of us, who weren’t assholes like the ones who picked you last, got laid…a lot.
  20. The baseball hate again. I was wearing it well until your fatass jumped in and said this shit. This thread sucks.
  21. I’m sorry, but the comments are killing me.
  22. The comments are solid country gold.
  23. Probably because that’s when your mom became all ‘uppity’?
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