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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. So did Jared Fogle, and you see where it landed him. *Landed...get it?
  2. I didn't serve in the Navy, but I'd like to think/hope that BL's story goes something like this. Y'know, I seen me a mermaid once. I even seen me a shark eat an octopus. But I ain't never seen no phantom Russian submarine.
  3. This^^^. “Unfortunately succumbed to his injuries”. That was great.
  4. Dude’s also a retired Marine Sgt Major.
  5. Easier play would’ve been to take three big sips out of one of his airplane spitters.
  6. Have we covered the, “Did you watch the YouTube video(s) I sent you” Guy? Always happens when you’re face to face, and if you lie and say yes, he quizzes you, and if you say no he’s already got them teed up and holds his phone in front of your face for a fifteen minute video of his favorite politician d’jour.
  7. Wait, so all our failures are belong to us?
  8. Think it’s time to check out Katy Prairie again?
  9. Exactly what it is. Caught one and kept it as a pet out in the dude cave about ten years ago. Used to drop about 12 store-bought goldfish into the water portion of his terrarium, and watch him work. He’d start chasing/herding them into a circle race around and around, and then literally turn, do an about face, open his mouth, use the momentum to pick and choose, and swallow the fuckers whole. Cool snake, I’ll see if I can find some pics.
  10. I’m not scrolling through this whole thread, but was the Ann Margaret question ever answered?
  11. At least Mama Thied.
  12. This^^^. All names aside, I’ve worked with the entity owner (the son, obviously) on quite a few deals in greater Houston. Get him drinking and he’ll definitely take you down the rabbit hole.
  13. 3 Putt, I can give you the grid coordinates if you want to call in an air strike. Deadshank, when did Sweet Cheeks open?
  14. He’s on his way to go finish Season 4 of Ozark.
  15. Unfortunately, since joining the SEC, they beat OSU last year, and WVU a few years back. KState did beat them in that interim if my memory serves me correctly.
  16. I just heard about it while in the pisser.
  17. Well, rumor has it that there’s a video of the whole incident.
  18. Is the Homer Simpson mug supposed to divert our attention away from the fact that you brought out the “good China”? Joking aside, I’d absolutely destroy that.
  19. Because you touch yourself at night.
  20. Just checking in to say hi. Not gonna say anything to jinx my dudes, so I’ll just shut up.
  21. The comments are outstanding. “Semper Pie” FTW.
  22. Why did this diatribe remind me of the end of the movie “Waiting”, when the trainee just rips everyone to shreds?
  23. Trying to post them, but my hands are all...chapped.
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