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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Maybe it's hard to bust out of the closet with a football bat.
  2. I've got a video of me catching an indigo on a quail hunt about 7yrs ago. I actually posted it on Facebook, but took it down shortly after my game warden friend sent me a text instructing me to do so. I guess I could post it here, but still have no idea how to post vids that aren't on a host site.
  3. I guess I'm a 10-Year old, because I laughed my ass off.
  4. Time to accidentally drop Sancho's swimming times and habits to the leopard seal. If you're gonna do it, fucking do it bro.
  5. Vic Mackey, your country needs you.
  6. Upon closer inspection of the image.
  7. So much this^^^. It's a smorgasbord of the most socially awkward kiddos from all over the nation getting their moment in the spotlight. Thus making them that much more awkward.
  8. Took me awhile to catch up to this thread, and SIAP, but did y'all see where the Houston Rodeo was cancelled?
  9. I guess it was Junior's wife that I saw taking tequila shots off of the ice block at our booth at Cook Off. Obviously this was before the Livestock Show and Rodeo was cancelled. It was cancelled, wasn't it?
  10. I really wish I knew Surly poster's former Shaggy handle. This is confusing the shit out of me.
  11. I deleted it because I realized that I hadn't quoted his post. I went ahead and burned my 'nm' card, so I could go back, find it, quote it, and use copy/pasta.
  12. I'm still playing catch up, but had to respond to this. Are you seriously reluctant to hire ex-military due to the fact that you think their training has compromise their critical thinking? If anything, it fucking enhances it, and creates a person who can both think critically, and rely on instinctual training that the military (does at times) drill into one's heart, body, and mind. What a really broad brush to paint given what's happened over the last twenty years. I want to say that you're wrong, but the more I think about it....just go fuck yourself.
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