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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Oh, Lit is back, my friend. I saw them and Alien Ant Farm in front of about 40 or so audience members about a year ago at some Cypress honkey tonk. (Girlfriend at the time’s little brother is their drummer now).
  2. Dad grew up there, and played at Old High under Joe Golding. I’ve got fond memories of WF as a kid, dove hunting, learning how to catch ground squirrels. My first ever alcoholic beverage was a red draw at P2, when I was 13 years old. Pretty much all I’ve got. Pops disowned his hometown last year when they did away with Wichita Falls High School.
  3. Are you referring to aggy, or the other SEC schools? Because, I don’t know if you’ve paid attention, but the SEC collectively shits on aggy, and has since their induction. Leave my alma mater out of it, if you’re broad-brushing this as the entire conference believes anything aggy says.
  4. Tivy Fight Never Dies, my dude.
  5. I was there. I remember that. And I was also dragged to the other stage by the girl I was with at the time to hear a song that was “going to change my life”. Fucking Jenny Says.
  6. When I was a sophomore at Ole Miss, I reluctantly agreed to go to church with a black friend of mine who played football. He was from Lake Jackson, TX, and went on to play pro ball for a while. Myself, not being a church-goer, was extremely pissed about being up that early on a Sunday. But a promise is a promise. To this day, this was arguably the greatest church experience of my life. The only thing better than the service, was what I called, “the after party”. Other than my trip down to the swamp for my baseball teammates’ grandmother’s birthday party, had I experienced quantity and quality go hand in hand when it came to food. Just thinking about it today, makes me hungry. Sorry, back to the idiots.
  7. This baseball players are idiots is tough to read. I played baseball in college. And I are smarter than y’all is, by leeps and bonds.
  8. I’ll say it again, but, due to his article, I’ll mean it a lot more. Please sir, save some pussy for the rest of us.
  9. Today. On my way home from work.
  10. Pretty sure it was Darrell Hammond. But I’m like a third of the way through this thread, so it’s probably been addressed seventy times.
  11. If I had a dime for every time I used dead rats, swung by their tails, as weapons. I’d have three dimes.
  12. I’ve done this. It was when I was still in Oak Forest. And, it’s everything that you could ever imagine it would be. The satisfaction was, for lack of a better word, poetry.
  13. God that video is a beating.
  14. I hooked up with a ton of her friends, brother. This could become a fun name game drop.
  15. PM sent.
  16. “The coeds from the second episode were not A&M students; both attend Blinn College in Bryan, said Kristal Sheaves, one of the girls in the Oct. 11 show. Sheaves said despite what the show suggested, she and her friend, both friends of “Sidelines” cast member Clay, did not drink at The Salty Dog. They had all of their drinks and spent most of the evening at Bennigan’s in College Station, she said. “The alcohol happened to hit us outside the Salty Dog,” said Sheaves, an education major at Blinn.” Went to high school with her. She was a cheerleader, who was a freshman when I was a senior. We hooked up and had a little fun a few times after I moved back to Texas. Still keep in touch. Rules, we has them.
  17. Not sure if this should go here, or in the cool shit thread. Dude is quickly becoming my favorite actor. There are interviews with the SF and even Delta guys that coached him at Bragg. Everything they said about him was nothing south of salt of the earth.
  18. I really don’t know how many people I’ve shown that clip. I saw his special when it came out, and when he did that bit, I thought I was gonna piss myself.
  19. I remember wondering why it got so much colder in Oxford during the winter, but the springs and summers playing ball, were twice as humid as Houston, and four times as bad as Kerrville (where I grew up). Pops explained it very quickly to me Xmas break of my freshman year. Oxford sits right on the Amarillo grid line. Sorry, just a nostalgic moment that learned me something once.
  20. Props getting a pic. I locked my brakes just after going through a railroad/creek crossing about a week ago when one shot out in front of me. There was nobody behind me, so I jumped out to make sure I hadn’t hit him. Sure enough there he was, so I tried to urge him in the direction he was going to begin with (tall grass, and collected water). I laughed out loud as he continued to face me, while back slithering(?) across the road with the “COME AT ME BRO” demeanor. Cool sneks, racers.
  21. And it just proves my point. Aggy LOVES David Hasselhoff.
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