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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Oh I hated the Colonel, with his wee beedy eyes, “oh you’re gonna buy my chicken”.
  2. Anyone who doesn’t get the Birdcage reference needs to rewatch the movie asap. It’s Idiocracy relevant.
  3. If that’s a GT Performer, I had the exact same bike. Until it was stolen. Fucking Houston.
  4. Unfortunately, we (Ole Miss) aren’t playing them this year. Because it would’ve been the first time since their entry into the conference where I’d feel extremely comfortable saying that we’d skull-fuck the brakes off of them. Regardless of the venue.
  5. If nothing else, it’s a hell of a band name. I don’t understand the fighting on this thread. Stats, facts, etc all come into play. Personally, I don’t think we’re it. I look up into the stars at 1am while I’m waiting to turn a hog’s head into pink mist with my THOR Scope mounted .308, and feel like it’s just way too vast for it to just be us. Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong. But it’s my opinion. And that’s where it’ll stay. If someone gets shitty with me for my point of view on the subject, then that’s adorable. Mushrooms have helped, and continually tend to help reassure my opinion.
  6. WAS is the optimal word here. Side note, bruin, the grammar, wtf? Were you talk-texting on my son’s phone?
  7. Little Homesick and my nephew called me over to this guy finishing off a lizard snack. Little coachie, posed for a couple of pics before turning on the afterburners, and heading to the tree line.
  8. Little known fact, but the lead singer played “Francis”, the guy who shared a foxhole with Charlie Sheen, in the last big battle scene of Platoon.
  9. I got you fam. Expect a text later today.
  10. While I agree that the photos shouldn’t be spoilered. I still wish I hadn’t looked at them. I already had a relatively vivid idea of what happened, and imagined what it might have looked like, due to stories I’ve heard and the actual accounts I’ve read. But these made it so much more real to me. Did anyone see the little headband? I can barely see my screen as I type this. feel like I’m going to be fucking sick.
  11. Whoa there tiger. Save some pussy for us.
  12. All your angina are belong to us.
  13. Fuck me, the comments are nauseating.
  14. Nobody was bankrupted. But people went above and beyond, held THEIR shingle out for someone who didn’t have a pot to piss in, and reaped the whirlwind (from both sides of the equation). The keys to the safe were handed to him. And all a mother fucker had to do, was play by their rules for four months. Hubris is a mother fucker, and so is karma.
  15. Say what you will about the Ole Miss administration not shaking the fuck out of the tree. But I’ve seen them go scorched earth on the racial shit. Not only when I was there, but since I left. This kid is fucked, and rightfully so. I just wish the rest of those fucktards were too.
  16. Richard Gere’s pissed?
  17. And you’re gonna take a changla to the beak, at least once.
  18. I didn’t look like them, or act like them. I was often ostracized by them (the fraternity I pledged) for not adhering to the status quo when it came to clothing. I was a flip flops guy (in the summer/boots in the winter). The Dixie shuffle (some refer to it as Bama bangs, but I know what we called it) haircut, Gray New Balances or Clark’s Wallabies, and front-tucked shirt, wasn’t my cup of tea. I took their ribbings in stride. Now for the humble brag: At parties, either at the fraternity house, or off campus, I’d wear their snide remarks, and brush them off. Those dipshits were constantly vexed by the fact that I constantly went home with the girls they brought to the party. The confused Hail Mary of, “he’s from Texas. That’s why he’s wearing shitkickers and a tee shirt! What the fuck?” Was always answered with a very controlled, but matter of fact, “But he plays baseball”. Nostalgic rant over. I want to call in a fire-for-effect air strike on those fucktards. I knew my alma mater was going to figure out a way to make its way to the front page in a terrible manner. The only thing worse than those pieces of fuck-pie, are the twitter comments supporting them.
  19. Good thing I scrolled. Beat me to it.
  20. Some SAPD dipshit has a new belt being made.
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