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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Little Homesick and I are nursing this guy back to health. Found him out behind our warehouse. Looks like one of the feral cats might’ve gotten after him. Super docile, and according to Jr, he “appreciates what we’re doing for him.
  2. It was me. Well, it was me that told the story. It was a friend of mine who did the rhinoplasty. It’s got to be out there somewhere. I’ve recapped it twice already, and I’m at work. Can someone more internet savvy than me do the search?
  3. This reminds me of the Jim Gaffigan bit about Jesus being a shitty carpenter. “I’m really glad that whole son-of-God thing panned out for him. Because he built me a shed last year and that thing was a piece of shit”.
  4. Bring it. You dizzy fucking cunt.
  5. If I had a dime for every French foreign exchange student…..ah, fuck it.
  6. Nice recovery, dude.
  7. This is a text exchange between myself and my Ukrainian “friend”. I sent her the MTG twitter speech. This girl’s brother, who is my age, is and has been fighting with the Uk Special Forces. I’m just gonna leave this snippet of our chat.
  8. Not to derail. But rules…we has them.
  9. The last two videos need to be in the Holy Shit thread.
  10. Can’t edit for some reason. But I think about four of y’all beat me to the punch.
  11. Username doth not checkout.
  12. Same. Gage stands alone. Dude’s provided them with more trophies in their hall of honor than anyone since…well…ever.
  13. Snapped this little gem literally 20 minutes ago at a red light here in Kerrville. Just gonna leave it here.
  14. This^^^. And that’s checking in from Ole Miss. Tri Delts there were still dtf though.
  15. My father is a retired Army Special Forces Colonel. He’s voted against Trump both times. Dude voted Democrat in the last election for the first time in his voting career, and he’s 79 years old.
  16. Easter weekend bbq cookoff at Flatrock Park. Got a good campsite with my team on Thursday night (we’re local, so we had pick of the litter). Unfortunately, I had to work on Friday, but was able to sabotage a few things in order to leave early. I went home. I shit, showered, and shaved. Then I headed down to my campsite/cook site on the river. The place had tripled in population. I was happy to find that my buddy had parked his golf cart in a way that saved me a parking spot in our campsite. Then, he head nodded to our neighbors across the way. These fucking idiots. I’m not going to address the spats that occurred, but they got spicier throughout both Friday and Saturday night. A lot of the reason was that we placed second in brisket out of more than thirty teams. That upset them. But it didn’t upset them as much as our uncontrolled laughter, when the wind caused the rack on the back of this truck carrying the flags to pop a weld, and go tumbling down the infield into other cook/campsites. The flags (in order) -“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” -“Come and take it” (Featuring an M-16) -RIGGED 2020 “He’s still my president” -TRUMP 2024 “Let’s take America back”
  17. Sorry, but all of this reminded me of this meme. Real pic of the actor/actress, then and now. More cool than lulz, seeing as how they’re still close friends.
  18. FIFY (If not already done).
  19. Sounds like something a gay-tarded little beta would say.
  20. My sister has a horse barn on 32 acres on Hwy 27 just outside of Comfort (12 miles from Kerrville). I’m probably gonna have some folks out there if anyone is interested. It’s far enough away from Kerrville to not get cluster-fucked by traffic, and close enough to I-10 to make your getaway when it’s over.
  21. According to my “friend” from Ukraine, this is absolutely the case.
  22. Wrong. The angry dolphin is when you quickly pull out and try and put it in her ass. That’s when she says, “eeh eeh!! Eeh eeh!! Eeh eeh!!”. Also known as the “Flipper”.
  23. Not a csb, but kind of. The concrete company I work for got their start building septic tanks and burial vaults. I’m being groomed to take over as the production manager because the current one has basically said that he’s retiring in five years. My friend (CEO of the company) from high school (engineer from UT), started working with his father (owner of the company), about ten years ago. He’s since turned a regional company into a global one. I’ve been run through the ringer, working every different crew in order to learn, get my hands dirty (again), and hopefully earn enough cred to take over for my mentor (who is a badass) in four years. All that aside, the hardest time I had, was building and pouring burial vaults. I was fine until they brought in a form that wasn’t familiar to me on morning. It was a child’s vault. Last Friday, I helped one of our loaders load a dozen iron caskets on one of our 18 wheelers. This happens every day, but it was the first time I was tasked with helping due to the fact that we were a man short. The truck driver was cool, and helped more than he should’ve. He was from Uvalde. That’s when he informed me that our company built the vaults for every single child that was killed in the shooting. I didn’t know what to say. So after about a minute, I asked him what it was like to transport those child vaults to Uvalde from Kerrville. That’s when he told me that each and every parent ordered a full size vault and a full size casket for their child. He said they all agreed to do it as a “fuck you” to UPD. He said that they wanted them to see how grown their children could have been, had they just done something. Needless to say, I shook his hand, signed the paperwork, and said goodbye. Then, I walked into the vault warehouse, and sobbed like a fucking idiot for about half an hour.
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