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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Miss State just went super dong against Stanford in the top of the 9th to make it 8-1. Still only 1 out. Looks like Dixie aggy is gonna make the dance.
  2. If I recall correctly, both Utah and Wake Forest have scoreboard on aggy in their last contests of late.
  3. Hell of a throw by the Meatchicken right fielder on the do or die over throw to first.
  4. Fucking fuck. I’m praying the bottom half of our order will stay zoned. Arky hits the ball like a mother fucker. It’s gonna be a battle of bats.
  5. You mean too late. I totally missed it. I’m an idiot.
  6. I personally like this one that a friend of mine sent me (not on Facebook).
  7. Duke should have bunted to kill his no hitter. Too soon?
  8. Still trying to play catch up on this thread. I agree with you and can’t for the life of me fathom why they would put two conference mates against each other when both deserve to be in the CWS. My Ole Miss team is the only SEC team matched up with another SEC team, and I pray to God we win tomorrow. Subject change, and siap, but that Okie State first baseman better get some fucking sleep tonight. Because he almost cost his team the chance to play tomorrow with three errors imo. Hang on to the ball whilst tagging the runner. Don’t loaf your fatass over to the ball because you’re sad that you dropped it. Don’t risk another error with a terrible, never gonna happen throw. He owes that Tech closer a year off of his life.
  9. If race isn’t the issue, take ‘white’ and ‘black’ out of your initial posts. I think it’ll actually help your argument. Even though I still dislike your broad stereotype, if you remove race, then your posts have more clout imo.
  10. That thing got out of there in a hurry. Anything travels that far ought to have a goddamned stewardess on it.
  11. The pigs are putting on a clinic against Ole Miss. 9-1 Top of 5. Fuck me, I shouldn’t have argued with Derka.
  12. Dude, I’m getting schooled. On top of all of that, I apparently have a rage issue. You’re lucky, you get a pass because you’re not white. It’s good to know you’re out there, takin’er easy for all us sinners. Enjoy your privilege pendejo.
  13. I actually agree with you here, but I still say fuck the no hitter. If the pitcher can’t field a bunt, then he deserves to lose it.
  14. I’m not at all blinded by rage. Also, show me where I said what you quoted. I never championed myself as anything, only questioned your motive hating baseball players, or at least stereotyping the white ones. I might have lashed out a little, but it was due to the fact that you put all baseball players in one group. “your angry, impassioned. grammatically butchered posts”. ^^^I hope this was a joke.
  15. Do you have a link to this thread? I’d love to see the shit storm that ensued.
  16. I just hate the broad brush stroke you took painting the white baseball players who love the game into a corner while playing some stupid race card for the poor Dominicans who get targeted for staring at a homerun for two long. If anyone, regardless of race, shows up a pitcher, their getting one in the back next go round. Or, depending on the situation, their on deck brethren will wear it. I was one who said “fuck the no hitter”. It’s your stereotyping all baseball players as white entitled douchebags that confused me.
  17. You hit a nerve because you’re talking out of your ass. And for the record, I shaped my hat, wore eye black (because it looked fucking badass), and I never got Copenhagen on my beard because I didn’t have one when I played, I just wiped my chin. The douchebags you’re referring to are out there, but I wasn’t, nor am I now, one of them. Sorry a baseball player(s) upset you at one point, or a bunch of points in your life, but your beautiful stereotype is a dead giveaway.
  18. I hadn’t read this when I posted my last. You obviously sucked at baseball, and therefore hated it. I get that, I hated the sports I sucked at (basketball). You’re so wrong, and I can’t believe I’m even engaging you with a response, but I just couldn’t let it go. The brotherhood and respect that baseball is about is so far beyond your thinking that it’s actually kind of sad. The humor involved in the sport is something that probably waved bye bye to you in utero. That said, fuck a pitcher’s no hitter. Being a undersized, fast, left handed batter paid for my college. Drag bunting put me on base probably 35% of the time, and I’d have no compunction whatsoever laying one down to bust up a no hitter, because fuck him. There are unwritten rules in baseball, and a fuckton of superstitions. Probably the most prevalent is the fact that if a pitcher is throwing a no hitter, or a potential perfect game, as his teammate, especially out on the field, you don’t say a fucking word to him about it. Your diatribe about the entitled white kids brawling the black islander is so ridiculous, that I really don’t know what else to say other than, as I said in my post before this, you know shit.
  19. If that last bit is your real opinion, then you know shit.
  20. It was, is, and always will be, about the men next to you.
  21. What a waste of a perfectly good cream soda.
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