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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Fucking A right he’s right.
  2. Spent the night in the den of a wild boar. How did she know this? Did he spoon up next to her in the night, or vice-versa?
  3. I lived in Wenatchee for three years. Miss that place like hell.
  4. That’s what I was thinking too. Got to love a snek who’s primary diet is rattlers.
  5. Looks like ass, my dude.
  6. I just got back about three hours ago. I wasn’t there for work or pleasure. Mom was hospitalized Monday night at my father’s client dinner (She’s doing a lot better now). I tried Gordon Ramsey’s burger place at Planet Hollywood when I had a little downtime. Place was legit. Another place I wandered into was Ellis Island Brewery. $5 Black Jack tables, and great beers. I do agree with flights. Fly in and out at fucking midnight.
  7. Say what you will about Matt, but he’s a good dude. He bleeds Rebel Red & Blue, and I think he’ll get them back on the right path (which is probably mediocrity, but honest mediocrity).
  8. My name is Homesickhorn, and I approve this message.
  9. My BIL just sent me the link. God I hope it’s not true.
  10. No can do. Even if I panned out, it would still take about seven or eight pics to capture it in its entirety.
  11. Pretty sure this one will get me unfriended.
  12. ^^^^This. And I’m fairly certain that there are a handful 5th SFG and Delta operators that would like to have a word with him.
  13. *Choot-dat-mawdafuckuh?
  14. I always thought they were called “Shoot that mother fucker”.
  15. Correct. They ran out of innings. This morning’s game in particular, resonates extremely well with me.
  16. I like Denver. Let’s not shit on the place just because Justin is a douche knock.
  17. How did I miss this thread? Here’s little Homesick’s first place trophy for his division. So much good stuff being spoken on here as I’ve tried to catch up. Baseball was crammed down my throat as a kid, and I refuse to do that to my son. He’s 8, and he’s just now starting to have fun with it. I truly hope he loves it like I did, and still do, but I skate a very delicate line. Hopefully this vid comes through. This is how his last game ended (Co-division championship game). The bitch of it is, the short stop who robs little homesick and then doubles off the runner on first was a kid I coached last year. I was surprised I was able to keep my commentary as G-Rated as I did. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxnpZoahz7-sQh1Bl1SPoP3Gde1Q2vs9M8Yz8U0/?igshid=1irlo1s4nn6ln
  18. Nah, he just deletes them. Why he hasn’t deleted me yet I have no idea. I’m pretty sure he just likes the fact that someone other than himself responds to his witty banter and perfect insight.
  19. I had to re-chime into Justin’s bullshit. He still hasn’t deleted me. He might just like the fact that someone else responds to him.
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