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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Is there a way to just gas that entire parking lot level?
  2. Who are the announcers?
  3. Dude, that was fucking weird.
  4. That's topnotch insertion work on the lettering. Edit: That was in reference to the breast cancer pic.
  5. Starting at the 3:00 minute mark in the Earl highlight video. That run against the Rams where he lowers his head and knocks seven shades of shit out of the linebacker, and just sheds people, losing his jersey as well....will always make my bollocks tingle.
  6. Dude on left: How much for the women, the girls. Dude on right: No, the sheep. How much for the sheep. Dude on left: You thinking what I’m thinking? Both dudes (high fiving): MULEDICK!!!!!
  7. I didn’t think your comment was doubting at all. My technique just needed to be clarified. I’ve had gumbo a million different ways. Call me nostalgic, but watching that old lady do her thing down in south Louisiana almost 20 years ago, and then eating her gumbo for the next two days, made me a believer.
  8. A friend of mine that I played with at Ole Miss was from New Iberia, LA. He took me home with him once my freshman year. His family literally came out of the woodwork to meet his friend from Texas. They were some of the strangest, funniest, and friendliest people I’d ever met, and they all brought food that, even though I had no idea what it was at the time, it was to this day, some of the best food I’ve ever eaten. To address your point, and to clarify, yes. I added the roux after about an hour of boiling everything together. The reason is because I watched my friend’s grandmother prepare and cook her gumbo. One of that the things that stuck out and resonated with me, was watching her boil the majority of the meat and veggies together, and work her roux on a different burner, adding it when all of the ingredients had basically boiled into each other. It might not be standard operating procedure for most, but it’s always worked out well for me. The smoked duck made this particular pot one of my best.
  9. Nice. That was the roux before I browned it, but I don’t get my as brown as yours. More of a dark khaki.
  10. So I’ve been doing gumbo for about 16-17 years now, and have always been an admirer of your gumbo porn pics throughout the years. So I feel like it’s time to post mine through a chronological timeline. First, I kill the ducks. Then, after soaking the breasts in buttermilk, garlic, and a little soy sauce for two days, I smoke the ducks. Then I add sausage, shrimp, and the necessary vegetables, and bring them to a boil. Then I add the roux, and let it boil for about another hour. Then put the burner on low and let it ride overnight. Then I ate that shit.
  11. Can’t wait to hear what the MS State players have to say, seeing as how they’ve always run such an air-tight program. Bottom line, who fucking cares. We got caught cheating because we suck at it almost as bad as we suck on the field. Every program dabbles under the table, we just had some dipshits at the helm. Turn the page.
  12. “Referring to Jessica McClure, who was buried for 58 hours when she was 18 years old”. Baby Jessica was 18 eh?
  13. Fuck yous given.
  14. Against the special needs kids. Whenever any of his classmates invited him to play, he adamantly refused, claiming that he already asked them to play, but they were too scared. He runs that recess.
  15. FIFY
  16. One of my best girlfriends in Austin has Pearl. She’s only four or five, but damn if she doesn’t bare a striking resemblance to my eleven year old, Sasha. We finally had a meeting of the doppelgängers.
  17. Had to bump this thread, even though this has nothing to do with the topic. This morning, I drove to San Antonio to pick up the 1986 Honda Fourtrax 70 for little homesick. When the guy walked me out to the shed and opened the door, I was taken aback at how much work needed to be done on it. He wanted $50 for it, and before I could say anything, or haggle about the price, I saw this on the back fender. Two days after Xmas in 1986, I rode my bike up to the Kirkwood Foodmart in Houston, to buy this sticker with my own money, so I could put it on my brand new 1986 Honda Fourtrax 70.
  18. This is pretty badass.
  19. I was dove hunting in south Texas when that happened. It happened right after Nick Rose shanked the extra point against Cal. I’d wrangled the Longhorn fans to come back inside because they’d given up on the Texas game, only for them to watch that kick.
  20. Holy fucking yes to this right here. I loved that!!
  21. She’s inflatable?
  22. Do you what three up three down means? The end of an inning?
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