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Everything posted by deter

  1. deter

    BC @ FSU

    Looks high.
  2. A nice chianti and fava beans, please. Silence of the ewe lovers.
  3. Pretty tame. They know their place.
  4. Fuck those assholes.
  5. You ain't in Madisonville tiday boy.
  6. Actually the preacher does.
  7. All neighbors are good. Especially for falls county!
  8. Neighbor just said 28 inches on cr 105 in the last month.
  9. 5 1/2 inches in Perry 4/9 5.6 inches Sunday. Rain that missed for last two years causing tanks to go dry, now can't miss.
  10. Looking at the catcher while running. Little League.
  11. See above Paul Kruse. Better half and I were in HEB across the highway. When we were leaving, we saw life flight (1) and three ambulances at local hospital. Turned on radio to kwhi and heard special report before leaving the parking lot. Need speedy trial....
  12. Plus they have 260,000 other things to clear up if he does pull a Mixon. Thanks Art.
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