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Posts posted by BluTechsan

  1. 9 hours ago, Guadaloopy said:

    On a site with a lot of them… this is my nominee for the most “WTF” post in memory.


    My issue with JLD is that, according to what's been said, her character was supposed to have been revealed in BW.

    So, and again I say this knowing nothing about the character, if she's a female badass from the world of BW, then I assume that she also mixes it up in hand-to-hand fighting and combat. It is this that I'm having difficulty with.

  2. 2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Looks like the Texas @ tcu series will be the biggie, as there is some separation from the others and other than us tcu only has the Kansas schools and wvu left so I doubt they have many losses from those 9 games. 



    Tech keeps pissing away games and any chance of catching either team. The head-to-head matchups will be a non-factor at this rate. If they don't figure it out soon, their chances at being a regional host may go down the drain as well.

  3. Don't read the comics so this all new to me. Trying to keep up with all the new characters that I know nothing about is a bit much at times but as others have said, that's what we have all the YouTube "easter egg" videos for.

    Having said that, I'm having a hard time buying JLD in the role of the newest character. 

  4. Pretty cool that not only was the actual game played at Butler/Hinkle but that they filmed on location the final game there.

    Too bad more fans didn't get to enjoy the games in person but rotating the NCAA tourney through all those historic gyms this year was pretty neat.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. 8 hours ago, 'stache said:

    I don’t know who in Corvallis sold their soul but it really is unreal. We started slow but our offense eventually started working. We got high percentage shots inside that have sustained us the last month and a half and they just rolled right off the rim. We’ve been making a huge percentage of and ones inside, until today, and then couldn’t hit a free throw to save our lives. Open looks from three just clanked out and bounced right to them. It really felt like some power was governing the game for them to win. Their stats weren’t special. Ours were atrocious. It’s the most frustrating game I think I’ve ever watched. At least we knew Travis Fords teams had no structure. He never heard of “running an offense.” We ran an offense today and got shots, they just kept rolling right off. Something was against us and it wasn’t their defense. I’m so down right now and I know it’s just kids playing a game. I’ve been in a bad place recently and this team was a bright spot. I’ll be over it tomorrow but goddamn it’s just depressing right now. No I’ll will to ORST, happy to see another “little brother” in their state have some success.

    You guys were fouled on every possession down the stretch and nothing was called. I don't want to be a blame the refs guy but there's a reason all the late shots looked so bad - they were either hacked on the shot or were fatigued from being hacked prior to the shot - in one such incident an oSu shooter was just flat run into so hard it knocked him backwards but he wasn't yet in the act of shooting so no whistle. Just having the clocked stopped there would have been beneficial as it was pure chaos at that point. I hate basketball when it's like that.

  6. Something else that has puzzled me during this tourney - with games being played in gyms all over Indy, why were possible 2nd round matchups not played in the same arena for 1st round? Like right now with Texas - BYU/UCLA playing at same time.

    Won't it be an advantage to the team that gets to play twice in the same gym? Or is it set up so neither teams plays in the same gym? That seems awfully complicated if that's how they are doing it.

  7. 1 minute ago, Homercles said:

    That was only before the thing kicked off and all the pre-tourney testing.  

    Why would this be different? It's still a 1st round game.

    Or was a contingency in place to re-seed some teams if need be which obviously cannot occur now.

  8. 11 hours ago, cdain3 said:


    Materials question:

    on the Longhorn we have orange, white, and blue

    and on the main structure we have green and blue showing

    I understand that multiple materials and layers go into the process but I'm curious what each color represents? Which ones are structural panels? Which ones are wraps or sealants? And what is the final orange layer made of?

  9. Watched one of the news stations drone footage of the cleanup operation. From the drone view it appears as those some vehicles did manage to stop because it looks like there were 3 distinct pileups - unless those "gaps"  were where vehicles had already been removed prior to the drone footage.


    Just horrible all the way around. I can't imagine what it must have been like just sitting there waiting for impact with no options to do anything about it. I'm dumbfounded how the death toll is so low. 


    And I agree with what many have already said, the ice had nothing to do with the speeds those trucks were going. There's no excuse for it whatsoever. They should have been creeping along. 


  10. I went back and forth on whether to post this in here or in the TV forum. I chose here because it's a fantastic show- about football. 

    I discovered it last year after signing up for the Disney bundle and while ESPN+ is pretty ho hum, this show nearly makes it worth while all on it's own. If you are unfamiliar with it, it's a journey through the history of football via a series of 1/2 hour episodes hosted by Peyton Manning who says in the show's intro that he loves football. And boy does he. It's great! He champions the sport by sharing stories told by players, coaches, and fans alike. Season 2 is airing now and so far with 10 episodes in, my two favorites feature David Letterman and Kurt Russell. Kurt's summation at the end of his episode about his love and appreciation for the sport is outstanding.

    If you haven't already, do yourselves a favor and check it out.

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