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Everything posted by BluTechsan

  1. All joking aside, there's no way he plays this week. My bet would be that he's done for the year - at least he should be anyway.
  2. So is he "interim coach" level gone or is there gonna be the whole "Let's win some for the Wizard on his way out" as they finish their final few games level? Because as a fan of a team traveling to Manhattan next week, this timing sucks.
  3. I'm exhausted after watching that mountain bike race. If ever there was a vid that lived up to the thread title - that's it!!!
  4. OU turned Alan Bowman into newt
  5. Great. All that means is that they'll now focus more on throwing to wide open receivers.
  6. I don't recall him saying that it was his preference. I took his post as a reason why things will not change.
  7. In this league, playing your best can win you a lot of games. Thing is, teams rarely achieve that. Tech's QB looked like a freshman against ISU and the Clones took full advantage. They needed to because frankly, Saturday wasn't their best effort either. Lately, and all things being equal, OU's best has been better than everyone else - but do we always see their best? That's the million dollar question and it's why no game is a given in this conference. And with one rather large exception, the same rings true all across the country. Alabama is so far ahead of everyone else that they can probably stay undefeated even if they have an off day.
  8. Absolutely!
  9. Goooooood grief!!!! I was beginning to think these batters had never faced major league pitching before. 😜
  10. Yep. But I don't know about a beatdown. I'm not saying it wouldn't be welcome, obviously. Even though Tech has a large lead in the overall series, the games have usually been pretty competitive save for a few. I expect Saturday to be a dogfight. Tech is gonna have to play really well to get out with a W.
  11. Did you see the graph above my post - I didn't think there was a need to quote it since it was the most recent post before mine
  12. I'm still in Kliff's camp but those records cannot be denied. Spike never had a losing record. Mike only had one - his first season. Tommy and Kliff have produced losing records in every single season.
  13. The very first year of the Big12 we did play oSu there but it was only for the one year. Prior to their turning tale and running off to Papa Bama, there was talk about playing aggy every year in Dallas but fans from both sides shot that down rather quickly. Then, for some reason, there became a push for the conference to play more games on Turkey Day weekend and the '08 Tech/BU was played in Lubbock and no one was there and Tech nearly got beat. Red Raider brass said they didn't want to do that anymore and the Jerryworld matchup was created. But this was when there was still only an 8 game con schedule so it was frowned upon by some. Fast forward a couple years to aggy's departure and thus the void for who UT would play on said Turkey Day occurred and as you know, Tech and TCU became the visiting team on alternating years. And the years Tech was not playing UT that weekend would be the years they were the home team in the Baylor series and those games were also played that same holiday weekend. The games when Baylor was home were played earlier in the year. I think initially the $$$ from sponsors for the Jeryworld games made it worthwhile but both schools have improved their home facilities so now it's probably no longer worth it to give up the home games.
  14. That right there is why the Baylor game in Dallas never really bothered me. 5 true conf road games vs only 4 home games blows. Don't get me wrong, I like the full round robin but it's problematic and therefore I prefer having divisions and only 8 conf games.
  15. Going back to his starts at Tech, last night was Mahomes' 7th time to lose when scoring 40 or more points. 40-49 points: 3 losses 50+ points: 4 losses and in case you are wondering... 30-39 points: 4 losses
  16. 17 - 17 ties are pretty good too
  17. I always love those 10 - 0 ties. 😜
  18. One thing about the Wizard, he doesn't ever kill you with a quick shot between the eyes - it's always death by a thousand paper cuts.
  19. I don't know why but I guess I thought/hoped that he might keep Kim seperated from the herd - that her "I'm with you" pledge might have meant something - but obviously it did not.
  20. Wow! He has arrived and he's a royal prick.
  21. Watching this Pedo St vs Urban St game - damn I miss night games at the Jones!! In just under 5 1/2 seasons KK is now 6 - 13 in games with 11:00 start times. In 10 seasons, Leach's teams only played in 14 games with the early kick. I'm not making any sort of judgement just providing a stat. It's not just a perception that Tech has been playing a crap ton of early games - it's a fact that they are. But if you are wondering, Mike went 9 -5 in those games. He won a bunch of games here - no denying that. The gameday atmosphere was fantastic because of it. But what also made it great was that his teams never quit (usually) and they scored - a lot. ....and they played a bunch of games under the lights.
  22. There were a lot of WTF moments in the game but ultimately the 3 turnovers to 0 were the difference.
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