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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. Has anybody calculated what it did to Seattle's chances? 😎
  2. A postseason without any of these teams for the first time in 30 years is already a success.
  3. Wouldn't have wanted to PH anyone that skilled last night.
  4. Anyone thrown out on the bases with 44 batting should be docked a week's pay.
  5. Pretty clear who needs to sit this one out.
  6. Reduces the chances of an impressive blowout victory in their spring game.
  7. When even an aggy can see it...dude, it's beyond obvious.
  8. Toothpick PHing Singleton instead of Uncle Mike really was the chef's kiss on a night full of disasters. I never expected we'd sweep, but I was hoping we might at least post a couple straight games of solid play. I guess a guy can dream.
  9. The team is playing horribly with me awake. Let's see how they do with me asleep. You diehards bring us a win.
  10. I can't blame Tucker for that throw. Bregman has to stop it. But then, Bregman has to do a lot of stuff he no longer does often enough.
  11. It's way too early in the game to be miffed about a weak effort on offense. But that's never stopped me before.
  12. Make that Maton's right arm and we just might get the split.
  13. Nice thought. Unfortunately, they're not going to do anything to help us.
  14. Oh, I'm sure the commish and his henchmen are looking into this.
  15. Engages quickly and pancakes with authority. Those are good things to be able to say about an OL.
  16. The only discernible pattern to our play is that we seem to feel way less pressure on the road against good teams than at home against bad ones. If makes no sense, but perhaps it now ends up working in our favor. For Seattle, meanwhile, the collar could be getting a bit snug. They went from out of it to leading the division to letting it slip away here at the end. And now they have to figure it out in another high-pressure situation against their nemesis. I hope they continue to handle it poorly and that Javier's high heat is moving the way JV's was.
  17. Might impressive night for JV. And great to see some clutch RBIs for a change.
  18. The hardest thing about this September is deciding whether to use the laughing or rage reaction to any given Astros post.
  19. What's tragic is that I can't point to anyone in that lineup and feel he's absolutely going to have a big game tonight. Now, I realize that's sort of true with baseball games in general, but you'd like to think at least one of several great hitters could be counted in here at (some might say past) crunch time.
  20. Lots of athletic talent, but will he live up to it in terms of production? The jury's out. Could be Russell Shepard 2.0.
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