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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by irishtexan

  1. Since you threw it out there, can you elaborate? Trying to understand how an all conference DT committing could have negative implications elsewhere. If you can't comment, I will understand, but will think you're a dickface fuckhead. Thanks in advance...
  2. Take that shit out of here you jinxing motherfucker!
  3. irishtexan


    I love the cheese tots, but I'm not paying $5.75 for a side. Dirty's has one of my favorite burgers in the city, and it's a top old-austin experience, but their prices are kinda high. I guess it's what you have to charge in the area to keep a restaurant open. But by comparison, a double cheeseburger with fries at Crown & Anchor is $11.75 (and you get a metric fuck-ton of fries) where at Dirty's a large OT with fries is $14.65. Crown's burgers are much bigger, too. It's not a huge difference, but $4.25 for fries or a side of tots just seems high to me. Add in a $3 iced tea and you're paying $22 with tip for lunch.
  4. Second word of username is certainly appropriate. Only ctj can speak to first name.
  5. That lady is “let me speak to the manager” personified.
  6. I was told that there were a handful of blue chip recruits and/or transfers that were waiting for the official announcement of RT as HC. Caveat - I was a supporter of RT getting the HC gig. He earned it. But it would be helpful to see some good news at this point.
  7. A storm of dicks. What's so hard to figure out? It sucks getting caught in a storm of raindrops. Now, imagine those raindrops are dicks. It's not good. The only person who would enjoy that is Bob Stoops. And South Austin's mom...
  8. There's also a reason they had an entire scene where the ADA is talking down to Strickland and ends the conversation with "find me something we can use." I suppose it's possible that it could have been someone other than Strickland, but they went way out of their way to tell us who did it, even if they didn't show us. To have it be someone else would be pretty weird, and kinda lazy.
  9. Yeah. It's, uhhhhhh, not very good. Other than the wings which are ok-ish. But also expensive as fuck! 10 wings for only $18. I honestly have no idea how they've stayed open for so long. They must own the property and are just waiting for someone to offer them more than they can refuse. So may as well keep a super-shitty bbq restaurant open while they hold out...
  10. Is Hyde Park "far north Austin" because both are equidistant from Town Lake. I'm stoked about the L&L location. 2 miles from my house and I won't have to deal with the Cosmic cluster fuck.
  11. This series is now on Amazon Prime. Binged the whole series in a week or so. Great, great show. Very funny, at times very dark, and very authentic. Highly recommended.
  12. Don't know Dervin. Not a lot has changed over the last 25 years, except that maybe the burgers are even better than they used to be? Fuck, that's a good burger.
  13. This post hasn't aged very well....
  14. This. It's character development. With boobs! He didn't snitch, but he did stake out the gangster for Strickland and the DA and took photos which were used to put him away.
  15. I enjoyed the hell out of it. But I watched it before I read stories about how he hates Jane Fonda and walks restaurant tabs from all you weirdos.
  16. I can't see Ted reconciling with Michelle after their marriage counselor took her to pound town. If the writers had her start dating some random guy, then sure. But dating the person that was supposed to be helping them work through their problems seems like too much for a guy like Ted to forgive. Especially because she kept it a secret from him.
  17. Avery Tomasco (seriously, is that a real name?) is a shit-talking Aggie doofus.
  18. My HEB at William Cannon and Brodie is reorganizing their shelves AGAIN and I want to burn the whole fucking thing to the ground. Just when you finally memorize where all your shit is located they fucking move everything around and it takes twice as long to do your shopping. Rage-inducing. They used to. And they were awesome. But they haven't made them in like 5 years.
  19. irishtexan


    A current draft of the Project Connect transportation plan has a light rail line running directly through Dirty's. People be pissed.
  20. Is it against the rules? No. But the guy that got KO'd seemed a little confused because it looks like the KO'er was seeking a glove touch to "start" the match. It's shitty sportsmanship. And people tend to love it when it backfires.
  21. I mean, they sell it for $20 a 4-pack at HEB. That's a 3x markup at $15 a can. You pay $10 for a six pack of Live Oak pilz at HEB and they charge $8 a can here, which is a 5x markup. The problem here isn't the markup. The problem is that Jellyfish is by far and away the most overpriced, overhyped and overrated beer in all of the land.
  22. We got a small runoff pond here in south Austin that is fed by a spring so it holds water year round. Someone put bass and bluegill in it. They don’t get very large but it’s still fun to fish. Dug some nightcrawlers up today and the boy fished with those. He caught a dozen or so and I caught 10 using a little crank and a rooster tail. Good times. Yes. I am wearing a ghostbusters t shirt
  23. I've enjoyed all of them in one way or another except French Dispatch. Tried to watch it three times and fell asleep each time. Gave up.
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