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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by irishtexan

  1. I'm all for "let the kids have fun" but this is a total immature dickhead move after stringing ND along (but also, kinda fuck ND). I hate the hat psych-out move in general. Do something original. Or bring back a classic. Sign your Letter of Intent from a hot tub surrounded by big-tiddied bitches like Derric Evans did in the 80s. That'd be a boss move.
  2. Cormani McClain seems like he's gonna be a pain in the ass for whoever he ends up signing with (taking the most money from)
  3. But with a shit ton of high end escorts and cocaine, which is their great equalizer.
  4. Never a bad time to post this video when the "A&M has more money" discussion comes up.
  5. Woke up feeling like Bruce Willis in Die Hard with a Vengeance and a terrible hangover. Made a chicken and cheese taquito/HEB sausage and cheese kolache breakfast taco.
  6. This edit looks like it was done by the one meemaw at church that has the free version of photoshop. You can take the aggy out of aggy but you can’t take the aggy out of aggy.
  7. Serious chicken tender discussion going on over there. Guess that's peak cuisine in BCS?
  8. I was gonna quote the report that I previously glanced over a few posts above, only to realize that quote came from fat Ketch. So never mind. (on a completely unrelated note, I will always initially spell "never mind" as "nevermind" because of Nirvana)
  9. Hope that room wasn't made by Jaylan Ford deciding to go pro.
  10. It's pretty cool that we have a police officer who is currently being charged with TWO murders. Seriously impressive!
  11. That dude is king of troll mountain.
  12. I was on this flight: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/southwest-airlines-flight-chicago-austin-diverted-turbulence/54391/ We knew there was going to be turbulence because there were storms in the area. It was a bumpy ride almost right from takeoff. The pilots flew between two strong storm cells and the plane just dropped, nose first, and it really felt like the pilots had lost control of the plane. My wife was holding our infant son and she had to "catch" him mid-air. They grounded the plane in Kansas City to make sure there was no structural damage to the plane. We ended up waiting around for an hour and a half because one of the flight attendants would not get back on the plane. She got in a big argument with her superior in KC and basically said, "you can go ahead and fire me because I'm not getting back on that plane. I'm driving home from here." When we landed there were news cameras waiting to interview passengers. That really, really sucked. It was terrifying.
  13. The Horn should hire Jason Dick. At least he's entertaining. He could just stick to the sports shit that he knows and talk about that, along with other random music and entertainment bullshit. It's a formula that works for the Ticket.
  14. Celebrating Anthony Hill day with a chili dog sandwich with cheddar, pickled red onions, pickled japs, and Fritos.
  15. Quick question - How good is Arnold? I haven't really followed his recruitment since he locked in with OU early in the process. Is he as good as they're wishcasting?
  16. What fucking job did we get his Dad that was insurmountable? President of Receiving Blowjobs?
  17. Mack Brown fucking LOVES those kinds of OCs!
  18. UT was DBU from 2001 - 2010. We had 9 DBs drafted (thought it would be more) with 5 of them going in the first round, along with two Thorpe award winners. Over that same period LSU had 8 DBs drafted, but only one in the first round, and no Thorpe award winners. From 2011 -2020 they were unquestionably DBU. They had 16 DBs drafted with five going in the first round and three Thorpe award winners (which is the most of any school). We had 9 DBs drafted (thought it would be fewer) with Kenny Vaccarro being our only first round pick. Obviously didn't have any Thorpe award winners over that period of time. Over the last two years they've had 4 DBs drafted, one in the first round, to our one Caden Sterns who went in the 5th round. Slice it up however you want.
  19. His return to aggy was "the worst kept secret in all of college football" according to aggy.
  20. This is what we like. It's just peanuts. When you open it there's always a little peanut oil at the top requiring you to mix it up pretty good. And you do have to mix it up every time you eat it to keep the consistency right, otherwise the shit at the bottom doesn't stay smooth. But that's what you get with natural peanut butter I guess.
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