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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by irishtexan

  1. This exact phrase has been written by $9.95ers about every commit for the last 12 years
  2. I had no idea that King Coffey owned Trance Syndicate. They put out some pretty eclectic and amazing records from Texas artists in the 90s - Roky, Bedhead, Sixteen Deluxe, Ed Hall, Stars of the Lid. Very cool....
  3. Oh, one other thing. My good friend owns a movie theater in NYC called the Nitehawk. His staff got him a cameo from Gibby Haynes for his birthday. Most cameos last about 15 seconds. Gibby wandered around new york city rambling on about whatever he was looking at - dead seagulls, bees that made red honey because they were next to a marishino cherry factory, brittany spears, donald trump jr. etc, for 20 minutes. A 20 minute cameo. It was insanity.
  4. Al and Gibby used to live at Timothy Leary's house and Timothy Leary would experiment on them with different psychedelics. https://dangerousminds.net/comments/al_jourgensen_and_gibby_haynes_were_timothy_learys_psychedelic_guinea_pigs An acquaintance of mine has been dating Al for a few years now. Our mutual friend went to visit her in LA and Al made them spaghetti. That's all I got. Sorry to hear about Teresa. I also read King Coffey's tribute on facebook. Huge bummer.
  5. I've got tickets to see Afghan Whigs at Mohawk tomorrow, Pavement at Moody Theater on October 11th, Spoon at Moody October 13th, and Charley Crockett at Moody on December 16th. Pretty stoked.
  6. 7 loss Steve. Jesus. Gave this game away
  7. When did ctj get a publicist?
  8. irishtexan


    Looks like there's a quality cheese hinge on those tacos there. Shank would approve.
  9. That sounds like one of the more uncomplicated popeye’s experiences. Congrats.
  10. I’d probably make a white wine cream or an Alfredo sauce. Maybe throw some fried shallots on top.
  11. I’ve always pictured ctj and Sydney like this
  12. Quick question - is there any reticence, hesitance, or outright objection among BMDs to donating their cash directly to players? It's one thing to fork over a half mil to get rid of an asshole coach you don't like, hoping that the next guy can get the job done. It's another thing knowing that your money is going directly into the pockets of 18 year olds who are gonna blow it on luxury cars and weed. I have wondered if any generational gaps - or even, ahem...."cultural" gaps" - might be in play here, or tightening the cash faucets. I'll hang up and listen....
  13. I'm shocked a 5-star WR wouldn't want to play in that offense. SHOCKED, I tell you!
  14. They pulled one over on everyone. They were just waiting for the perfect time to win games. Which was obviously AFTER losing to App State. Now, all they have to do is go win all the rest of their games! It's that easy, stupid sips!
  15. No fucking clue how that happened
  16. We didn’t bungle anything. Some $9.95ers reported he had interest in Texas and a ton of chucklefucks overreacted and put him in the calculator We didn’t bungle anything. Some $9.95ers reported he had interest in Texas and a ton of chucklefucks overreacted and put him in the calculator
  17. My buddy made that ice sculpture. If anyone is in need of an ice sculpture, hit me up! He makes excellent ice luges for tequila shots, COVID be damned.
  18. Quinn Ewers quoting Gus McCrae is peak Texas dude shit.
  19. Guys, just for fun, what would it look like if we signed all of the five-stars in the 2023 class?
  20. Well, if we'd be #1 with just Hill and Hale, I'm guessing we'd also be #1 with all those other dudes. But I'm no math expert, and I've yet to crack the recruiting algorithm.
  21. What is the benefit here? Seems like a lot of effort, time, and cleanup. Is it just to get some smoke into the eggs?
  22. The chances of Jimbo hiring a "real" OC are about as good as Jerry Jones hiring a "real" GM.
  23. You think beers only cost $10?
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