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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by irishtexan

  1. Have 1 GA floor ticket for Pavement tonight at Moody Theater. Face price is $85.50 if anyone is interested. Had a person in our group get sick today and can't make it. HMU if interested.
  2. Reminds me of this
  3. I've got an extra floor seat for Pavement tonight if anyone's interested. Face value was $88.
  4. Yeah. It was, uhhh, not funny. I don't think I laughed once.
  5. I had been trying to find that passage yesterday but forgot his name. Thanks for posting. It's pretty spot-on.
  6. Between the time jumps and everyone having some minor iteration of the same name, everyone looking/dressing the same, everyone being related, it's been very difficult to follow what's happening and connect with the characters. I find myself pausing the show at least half a dozen times an episode to google "who is XXXXXX". It took me a minute to figure out that Vaemond wasn't Corlys #NoKatfid
  7. See, this is what I don't understand. Why just the unborn? Why not the poor? Why not the persecuted? Why not the Uyghurs or the El Salvadorians or the people of North Korea? Are they not worthy of our prayers? The singular focus on abortion at the expense of actual living people who are suffering just makes no sense to me. And I say this as a lapsed catholic who believes that the catholic church is far more enlightened than the average Christian denomination (I can't fucking believe I just wrote that. And meant it...)
  8. giant dude was beating on the one dude the gals were with. he let one of his wimmens shit-talk her way into the slap heard round the world for her, and an absolute ass beating for him.
  9. This is my favorite NYC subway shenanigans video
  10. Poe giving off strong "these vibes"
  11. You're not a terrible Christian. You're a perfect Christian. You're the ideal Christian. You embody every abhorrent characteristic of the current Christian movement - hypocritical, judgmental, rude, obtuse, narrow-minded, bigoted, xenophobic. Celebrate your peak Christiandom my friend! You've done it. You've won Christianity!
  12. Congrats and welcome to the club! The minor discomfort you experience will be well-worth the rewards!
  13. Dude, you're among the most judgmental posters on this site. GTFOH with your hypocritical bullshit. You afraid talking about homosexuality is gonna turn your kid gay?
  14. This doesn’t free up any spots. If there was a LB or DL we liked that liked us, he’d be in the class.
  15. It's almost like y'all are advocating for equal representation for all demographics in all aspects of society. Which sounds an awful lot like affirmative action to me....
  16. Not giving 18 year-olds hundreds of thousands of dollars is not going to lead to many wins.
  17. Hiring a 71 year old to build your program is a great idea too.
  18. It's interesting that two legacy-recruits' dads played in 1984 and 2005 respectively. Old dad/young dad.
  19. Yes. Yes he did. Luckily tattoos can be covered up or lasered odd now
  20. The asadero tacos at Matt's are legitimately good. The cowboy-style chicken fried steak is also good. As many have said, you have to know not to order "traditional" tex-mex at Matt's because that's not what they do well. Which I guess makes it "overrated" because it's insanely popular and the general quality of food doesn't match its popularity. So if that's your definition, then sure, Matt's is overrated. But I'm fine going to Matt's and know there are a few things that are actually pretty damn good.
  21. I see obscenity every time I see your mom.
  22. The veal parm is $54! I'm sure the food is great but I'll never know because I'll never eat at that restaurant. Their pricing is egregious.
  23. The pizza at Home Slice is overrated. I like it. It's good. I don't complain when I end up eating it. But it's far from the best pizza in Austin and is way too thick to be "New York Style." Their Italian sub, however, is incredible, and might actually be the best in Austin.
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