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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by irishtexan

  1. Funniest episode of the season.
  2. 22 whole days? How precious!
  3. Ha! But to answer your question, I think 2011 will end up being "worse". https://www.kxan.com/weather/weather-blog/how-does-this-year-compare-to-the-record-summer-of-2011-heres-a-breakdown-of-the-data/?ipid=promo-link-block2 Technically we are ahead of 2011 in terms of total number of 100+ days at this time of the year. We're at 65 days of 100+ and had 63 on August 17th in 2011. But it looks like we're going to get a bit of a break, and 2011 just kept on trucking through September. In 2011 from July 2nd through Sept 4th there were only 3 days where it didn't hit 100. We're gonna have maybe a week straight of highs less than 100 this week. I don't think we're gonna get another 25 days above 100 this year. Hope I'm right. Technically, we've also had more rain this year than in 2011 - 9.47 inches ytd in 2011 vs. 12.13 ytd 2022. Both well below average. I still think you're a good month early regarding your prediction of when we'll see highs in the 60s. You've got to throw historical averages out the window. I'm guessing that almost every year It's gonna be hotter than average from April through October, and then colder than average for December through February. March and November will be wildcards.
  4. Karma perhaps?
  5. There's NIL for literally everyone right now.
  6. OK. But the thing is, he sucked a big ol bag of dicks last year.....
  7. While I'm glad the Manning family finds Kiffin's shenanigans distasteful, I fucking love the guy.
  8. Aight Mr. Critic. Give us a good fake Ketch tweet.
  9. Hey everyone! It's a neg party!
  10. Little UT dropping fat bags this cycle. Gotta kick the tires on Calvin Simpson-Hunt.
  11. No one gives a shit about what professor you had in college, people.
  12. Had a few whiskeys on Saturday night and while browsing the gram I was pushed an ad for this hat and pulled the trigger. Forgot about buying it and then it showed up yesterday. https://retroaustinapparel.com/collections/classic-collegiate/products/quality-tex-retro-trucker-hat
  13. Just give me two or three fletchers corn dogs with mustard and 6 or 7 wax paper cup beers and I'm set. More gonzo grub for the rest of y'all. I'd try the holy biscuit though. That seems pretty good.
  14. You think we're gonna land all of Hall, Wilson, Robinson and Toviano? I think that's unlikely. Also, go suck your dad's dick for comparing me to that bleeding twat Satya.
  15. It's tough to compare, because there are so many more ranking services today, but it'd be tough to argue against the 2002 class. Number 1 player VY, six total 5-stars, 10 of the top 90, 21 of 28 were four/five stars, and one of the three stars was Brian Robison. What you've calculated (which will not happen) would give us four 5-stars, 22 of 28 as 4/5 stars and 10 of the top 81. Similar classes, but one actually happened, and won a national championship. The other probably won't happen. Still, amazing fucking class if we can hold on to it and add a few more dudes.
  16. I was talking about ctj, but I supposed it's possible ctj is ketch and ketch is ctj. The man bun could just be extra skull fat that's being hidden by the facemask.
  17. I've got him in my celebrity death pool with a parlay on cause of death being spontaneous combustion due to the effects of running at the speed of light.
  18. I do love garlic. I double the recipe typically. It's just an absurd weight to measure something.
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