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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by irishtexan

  1. All of y'all are total fucking weirdos.
  2. Is this you?
  3. In 8th grade I played tennis with a girl who was an early-developer. She was wearing a hypercolor t-shirt and her boobs changed color and it was awesome.
  4. There’s not enough local content to fill one three-hour show every day much less four shows totaling 12 hours year round. There is one local sports team most everyone in Austin gives a shit about - Longhorn football. They talk a little Longhorn basketball and baseball mid-season, but not enough to fill 12 hours of content on a daily basis. They cover the cowboys, spurs and astros some, and to a lesser extent the mavs, rockets, rangers and Texans. But it’s just filler to cater to a fractured audience of Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio transplants. I understand we are a top -10 market. But we don’t have the content to fill one sports radio station much less two.
  5. My app didn’t indicate we would get much of anything today but it’s been coming down steady in 78745 for a while, and the radar says it might sit here for an hour+. I am pleased and will celebrate with a pour of rare breed.
  6. pretty sure you can only buy it canned. I'd start in either be in the "asian" section, or in the general canned vegetables, probably by the artichoke hearts.
  7. Would you rather it be a hundred and fuck without a cloud in the sky like in 2001?
  8. Sure. But he was looking for an incident and got one. And considering that the point of view is from the body cam of the intervening officer, I'm guessing he took action to get it released and shame the cop. Which he did. But he doesn't get away with that if he's not a white dude who did a bunch of homework on the 4th amendment.
  9. throw a splash of bourbon and even a little lemon juice in that glaze. We use it on pork chops and salmon all the time.
  10. Why are you acting like he punched a woman in a bar? Why would we hire Bob Stoops? Your joke - it didn't land.
  11. Her team is gonna put out a statement that this isn't who she is, that she has struggled with the loss of her husband, that she now knows she has an alcohol dependency problem, she takes full responsibility for her actions, and that she pledges to learn from the experience and be better. But it's all bullshit. The booze just removed the filter that told her not to scream her true feelings out loud for the whole fucking world to hear. Fuck this lady. I theoretically feel very sorry for her kids. (Unless her kids are like her. In which case, fuck them kids too.) But this is gonna be rough on them - losing their father at a young age and having a crazy fucking piece of shit racist mom make national news for being a cunt. Hope they get through this OK.
  12. This makes me so fucking mad......
  13. This has been accepted as gospel by some people, but my guess is that it's more of a strong preference. Sure, when you make a hire you'd like to have a coach with legit P5 experience who has shown he can build a program. But how many of those guys are there and available when it comes time to hire a new coach? There aren't a lot. Especially ones that are cultural fits and understand the bullshit that comes with being HC at UT. Also, it's not like Steve Sarkesian's prior head coaching experience can be viewed as a positive on his resume.
  14. I'm very excited by the incoming offensive line class. I'm very fucking nervous that we might be starting four true freshmen on the offensive line, admitting that they're probably better than what we already have on campus. Probably ends up being 3 true fresh starting, with Banks, Williams, and Campbell/Hutson rotating at one guard spot. That being said, I'd like to know if there has ever been a P5 team start 4 true freshman on the offensive line and have a winning record. Shit, I'd like to know if a P5 team has ever planned on starting 4 true freshman (not in an emergency due to injuries) on the OL in the last 35 years. I'm cautiously optimistic that a few upgrades at a few spots on the D, and another year in the system will result in an average defense. These are the wildcards. We could be 5-7 or we could be 10-2. Every game, outside of Bama, is winnable. But, as we learned last year, nearly every game is also losable. Who fucking knows.
  15. He was the #92 composite player in the 2017 class. He was rated very high VERY early when the rankings first came out, but slid down the rankings when everyone realized he was 5'10" and didn't have a special arm. He was as "high profile" a a recruit as a guy named Colson Yankoff (Dual-threat 94 overall in 2018. who went to UCLA) He wasn't a high-profile recruit. He was a high-profile social media personality.
  16. interesting. whenever I make that sauce it's brown because of all the chili powder and cumin. but your sauce looks bright red. enchiladas look great! also, tell me more about this enormous cast iron casserole dish that makes 30 enchiladas at a time.
  17. Nope. Just LBJ
  18. Cheeseburger
  19. When are we not?
  20. Take your fancy bread, your fancy lettuce, and your french salt to the "check out this fucking sandwich thread." (Would still eat sandwich)
  21. It feels fucking AWESOME outside. Also, happening right now:
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