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Everything posted by Horn_Spanker

  1. Horn_Spanker


    What he said.
  2. Tell them to liquidate TxTag.
  3. Email says please stay home and go remote for the rest of the week.
  4. How are the roads (Mopac, I35) this morning? North to Temple?
  5. This needs to stay on the first page. A constant reminder.
  6. Fucked up again! But this time the DVR is letting me watch recorded stuff, but no live TV.
  7. Just finished my first cup of coffee. Think I'll go take a Ted Cruz.
  8. I hear he's a piece of shit?
  9. As I type this on Windows 7.
  10. Anyone else have an outage? Mine for last 14 hours in 78748.
  11. TEA does suck cock by choice! AISD sucking up for the State dollar regardless of how many will die.
  12. Found Medicare doesn't do long term nursing care. Only short (20 day) stints are care facilities, like rehabs. Back in the old days, elderly parents would give all their assets to the children, and then go to Government paid long term care. Government figured out the loophole and now says, there has to be five years between the liquidation and nursing home. Hense, my referral that mom won't last another five years. Medicaid will do long term, but I need to know how poor you have to be?
  13. Is there a way for an elderly person to receive long term care via Medicaid without liquidating all their assets? Mom needs a home, will probably live less than 5 years, and I don't want to sell her house.
  14. Adjusted it a bit even though the original was correct.
  15. Another reason the Statesman sucks is the weekly loose leaf ads crammed in your mailbox, even if you don't subscribe.
  16. Horn_Spanker


    Good timing!
  17. Horn_Spanker


    40 minutes until try #2.
  18. Can a shortstop move over between 1st and 2nd base when a left handed batter comes up?
  19. Last Shaggy gathering I attended was when Mueller cooked the goat on S 1st. Swear I drove by every cop in Austin on the way home.
  20. When speaking up this site, I still call it Shaggy. We lost a bunch of great posters. I'm still here.
  21. Overall feeling that in-person is gone until after the new year. This isn't all on AISD's shoulders, there's a fuck ton of retarded parents out there.
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