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Everything posted by Horn_Spanker

  1. So, I'm OK as long as I don't mind having the $6k sit until I'm at least 70.5?
  2. My goal was to contribute only what was needed to offset owed income tax since I was funding it with aftertax money. Yes, it is now a nondeductible contribution, but I'll be double taxed on the funds. When I earned them, and in the future when I take out the IRA. Credit union will call me back Monday with their opinion.
  3. Is that "excess contribution" an excess of the amount allowed ($7k in my case) or and excess of what I needed to contribute to offset taxes? I interpret it as excess of the $7k. So, take a penalty today or pay income taxes in the future? Why do today what you can put off into the future? So, I'll leave it alone and mark it a lesson learned.
  4. Or, for the next few years can we deduct off that unused balance?
  5. Since both of us are over 50, we each contributed the max of $7k toward a tradition IRA to offset owed income tax. I just found out that $6,260 of the wife's won't offset because she has a pension plan at here work. Is there a way to amend her 2019 contribution to $740 and put the $6,260 back in our normal account?
  6. "Goya Foods boycott takes off after its CEO praises Trump"
  7. In anticipation of Tom Hanks Greyhound, I watched Das Boot Directors Cut last night. Holy shit, had no idea going in that it was 3.5 hours long. Don't know how much fluff (French Plantation) was added since I had not watched the movie in many years. Googling submarine movies, this one was #1 on many lists.
  8. Cause I prefer a burnt weenie sandwich.
  9. I know nothing about Heger, but I had to work with West during my years at the capitol. I won't be voting for West.
  10. All of U2 for Frank Zappa.
  11. Fort Hood has always been like this. I grew up in Bell County where Fort Hood incidents were always in the news. Once my day was on the Bell County grand jury, and he would leave all the paperwork on the kitchen table. Of course I went through it and Temple would have about a dozen cases, Belton, six or eight cases, but Killeen would have three to four pages of cases. Think about what type of person is a private in the Army during peace time. Kids who have fucked up somehow and the military is the last resort. First time away from home kids.
  12. How far to the nearest Michigan dispensary?
  13. Horn_Spanker

    Bob Seger

    Back in high school a buddy and I drive into the boonies to smoke a joint. On the way back we have Turn the Page blasting on the stereo. I say "Oh, and start giggling". He says "what?". I say, "I was about to turn on the stereo". He says "why didn't you?"
  14. Of all the schools I've heard "sealed off" this sprig due to someone with COVID, all the COVID carriers were custodians.
  15. I think I bought snake oil? The capsules did nothing no matter how many I took at a time. (but gave me the farts)
  16. Horn_Spanker


  17. Had a small kale salad a little after noon today having not had any kind of salad for weeks. At 2pm, had instant diarrhea with undigested green kale floating everywhere. That shit shot through 25 feet of intestine in under 2 hours.
  18. Wait, you're white?
  19. We're still neighbors, unless you've moved?
  20. I have a "No Soliciting" sign on my front door, but these cocksuckers don't care. The past two Saturday mornings I've had Omnishield and Aptive pest control knock on my door. Neither sales rep were wearing a mask! Fuck these two companies!
  21. CNN sure did a shit job. Missed the take-off and cut when the first stage was 10 seconds to land on the barge.
  22. Is that Zach from Little People Big World?
  23. I don't want my neighbor's dog in my yard. When I confronted the owner, she said "he doesn't listen". Of course he doesn't, you stupid cunt, he's a fucking dog!
  24. WTF? Memorial Day without Kelly's Heroes?
  25. Granny and Jethro were not blood related.
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