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Everything posted by Horn_Spanker

  1. Since my knives already had a profile, I found all the grits up to 800 were way too aggressive. (luckily I practiced on a shit knife) I don't have a leather strop, so used a muslin wheel with green compound. All the large knives (chef, cleaver, etc.) in the house are now very sharp, thin blade knives (paring, steak, etc.) were too dangerous to use this. Guessing I'll now put it away for a couple years?
  2. Tried oat milk. Not bad, but not very good either. At least my colon didn't blow out with a bowl of cereal.
  3. Just ordered this to put on an old Delta 1"x30" belt sander. My kitchen knives have viable chunks missing due to using those cheap "pull through" sharpeners. Hope this works and doesn't fuck them up more.
  4. Horn_Spanker

    Adios, Mofo!

    Thank you, Microsoft, for giving me a way to navigate to the Google install.
  5. Any opinions on the Hornady Black ammo? My only choice for hollow points today at Academy. Can't find any Youtube videos on the handgun Black rounds.
  6. Albuquerque dog owner claims Jif peanut butter made his dog ill
  7. A place for it to rub the lotion on it's skin.
  8. Drink his milkshake.
  9. People who post Apple products in the Computer section of Craigslist. WTF?
  10. I think I'm a reverse racist? Went to get my booster shot, worried I'd get the right one, out comes an Asian lady with a needle, I was so relieved!
  11. Has anyone gotten a paper invoice in the mail, in the last year? I haven't even though driving on it? I used to, and haven't moved.
  12. Itching for a new pistol. Wanting micro concealable. I own other 9mm, so have ammo. Bought .380 ammo in the frenzy cause, maybe someday? Price is key! Have narrowed it down to Ruger LCP Max and Taurus GX4. Have touched both and prefer the feel of the Ruger, but Ruger is $70 more. What say Shaggy (or whatever you guys call yourselves)? (Should have put this in the gun owners thread, FML)
  13. Was a little hard on the beaver. (That Ward died 40 years and one day ago, so current for here)
  14. Horn_Spanker


    God dammit, I've got the side of the brain that want's to know actually to the gram what the limit is. What the fuck does "low-level" mean? Why create a gray area when it could have easily been black and white?
  15. Here's an example of my struggle. Song is first one on Wish You Were Here. 320kbps MP3 = 31.755 MB 24bit 44.1kHz FLAC = 81.726 MB 24bit 96kHz FLAC = 278.071 MB 24bit 192kHz FLAC = 536.740 MB With my old ears, old receiver, old speakers, I can't hear a difference! I know technically the bigger file is more data and more is better, but damn. I doubt I'll ever invest in a higher end system, and my ears will only get worse, so I may just stick to the 320 mp3s.
  16. Wife's favorite ones are to nail places. If she gets Amazon cards, I steal them.
  17. Horn_Spanker

    24bit FLAC

    I'm kinda getting sucked into this wondering if I'm wasting my time (and space)?
  18. Is this wrong? I call this Tuesday.
  19. Several years ago we filed a "Transfer Upon Death Deed". Upon death I filed an "Affidavit of Death". County now has it in my name. So, I need a CPA instead of a lawyer? Get one here in Austin near me, or in the county the house is? I'm floundering here, never inherited or sold a house before.
  20. Parents die, no trust, I'm an only child, got their house in my name, now want to sell. House valued at about $700k. What will I face in taxes? Thanks, Do I need a CPA, tax lawyer, etc. Recommendations in Austin..
  21. Horn_Spanker


    Remember, Monday is the first day of early voting to vote for the Austin pot proposition. Prop A, Prop A, finally, been waiting 45 years!
  22. Explain the safe switcharoo. Was that planted info to get Nacho killed? Explain the half scissor. Did he kill ZZ-Top? And why?
  23. Cosmoline. Read all kind of crazy ways to remove it. Some boiled the rifle! Cleaned mine out with a can of carburetor cleaner.
  24. Our first stop is in Bogota To check Colombian fields The natives smile and pass along A sample of their yield
  25. After doing the cathedral, the wife went to shop and I headed to the Third Reich museum. I got lost since the street signs are three foot long and 19 letters each. I stopped at the Hilton and walked up to a young guy at the info desk. I asked directions to the Third Reich museum and he said, "What's that?" I wonder if history is taught differently over there?
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