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Everything posted by Horn_Spanker

  1. Is that Zuul The Gatekeeper or Vinz Clortho The Keymaster?
  2. When working at a firm on far west 6th, I was always the first there opening the building. One morning I arrived and there was a running convertible in the parking lot, not parked in a space, just randomly stopped. I went ahead and parked in my usual space a walked toward the car. I couldn't make out what it was, just a huge mass of hair. I start the "hello, hello, are you OK?", two chicks wake up. They had passed out leaning on each other, head to head.
  3. Who was the guy that posted all his trout fishing shots? Those were great, and from a little pocket camera.
  4. Yeah, fuck electric car seats. "oh you can't get leather seats without electrics, it's a package". I have not adjusted my seat since the day I left the dealership, seven years ago!
  5. Man, I fucking hate the telephone! But, got to have one. 90% of my incoming calls are spam. Fucker rings all day.
  6. Planning to get Google Fiber installed. It's still at the curb, so need to figure out where on my house to have it drilled and attached. And where the trench is dug. I'm assuming the inside device is placed directly opposite the outside box? The inside device attached ethernet cable to the router? Does the inside device need to be near an outlet? Is there a distance limitation for this cable? Does their router have at least five ports? Living room with all it's electronics is nearer the street, spare bedroom with all my computer junk is twice as far at the near of the house. House is wired with CAT5e with all the cables terminating in that "computer room". So, I can have them drill at the back of the house, with their router back there and everything will be like it's currently distributed. Drill at the front of the house, use one of my installed cables to send the signal to the back of the house and place the router there. Place all their equipment at the front, send the signal to the back using one of my built in cables and then a switch for all my PC? Googling shows old and new hardware, I don't know what they are currently using?
  7. Just built a Grey Hoverman antenna. Not mounted high yet, just leaning against the house, I got 52 channels in 78748. All major channels 100%, even channel 7 who stayed VHF. Had to put a parasitic "top hat" on the antenna to get KTBC to 100%. Less than $20.
  8. Thread title appropriate! Found two mouse turds in a HEB can of refried beans. Meticulously searched all of the can, and these two were the only ones.
  9. Gun shows near Austin? I see Dripping Springs, Taylor and Belton. Any input on which are good and which suck? I got the buying itch.
  10. Academy in the 78749 had a shit ton of .380, but no 9mm. Anyone want to sell me a .380?
  11. I'm gonna eat so much ( bleep ), you're gonna sh1t. Check this out. This is gonna be me at the party... B-b-laaaah! B-b-blaaaah! Oh, is that another ( bleep ) Don't mind if I... b-b-blaaaah! Ho-ho! This'll be me across the room... "excuse me, miss. It appears that you have an uneaten ( bleep ) Allow me...
  12. Just bought an Epson v600 to scan 50 year old snapshots stored in shoeboxes. I have both the Epson scanning software and the newest VueScan. I've been doing apple to apple testing of both, and find the file size from VueScan is triple that of Epson? Both seem to produce OK results. My plan is to cover the entire glass with photos and crop individuals with Photoshop later on. My question is DPI? 800dpi seems to get me roughly up to an 8x10, and scans quickly. 1,200dpi is slow! Also, should I let the scanner color correct and sharpen, or use Photoshop later one by one? Remember these are 50 year old shapshots from some old shitty camera, they will never be digital quality.
  13. Keep your Apple shit off the Craigslist Computer Parts forum.
  14. Grabbed a jar of jelly at HEB (it was open!), didn't notice if it was jelly, jam or preserves. Got home and it's labeled "fruit spread". This shit's gone too far.
  15. All his shits being sold the weekend of 06/25. https://www.estatesales.net/TX/Austin/78745/2927055
  16. Any recommendations on chainsaw repair near the 48?
  17. Wife has a signed copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar where he fucked up his original signature and converted it into a caterpillar then signed again.
  18. Good friend of mine for 15 years, died of diabetes.
  19. My ritual. (even though it's Saturday)
  20. Greeter at Brodie Academy had no mask! Fuck him and his governor.
  21. Horn_Spanker


    Homesickhorn's gonna die.
  22. I've got it balanced where her income is matching the nursing home expense. If it gets more expensive, she has a savings account. At this point in time, the government is not paying for anything.
  23. Sometime in the early 70's, the family was camping at Ft. Parker. For some reason, they let me hang out on the fishing dock all night, but at some point I found it more interesting to throw bait at the geese. I started throwing closer and closer until I could grab it around the neck. Holy shit that thing started honking and the tighter I squeezed, the louder it got. Next morning, everyone in the camp knew who we were.
  24. In Academy last Friday after the ammo rush, I find a box of 9mm someone had set on a shelf in the fishing area. I take it over the cart where people are staring at the last few .22 boxes. I hold up the box and say, "anybody want some 9mm?". It was like holding up a tennis ball amongst a bunch of Labrador Retrievers.
  25. If you have an elderly parent with a home, please check over their homeowners policy. In getting involved with mine, I've found what I think is fraud. The one that stands out most, mom has DishTV, there was an endorsement covering the dish for $1,000. Something she didn't even own! Endorsement for furs, which she's never owned. Coverage for dog bites, she hasn't had a dog in over 20 years. All-Terrain vehicle which she's never owned. Sad part is that agent is someone we've knowned (and trusted) her entire life.
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